Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 111th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

111th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry


In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. They served for varying lengths of time, averaging one hundred days to three years.On September 5 and 6, 1862, the 111th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry organized at Camp Toledo at Toledo, Ohio. The men in the organization were to serve for three years, and most enlistees came from Sandusky, Defiance, Lucas Wood, Fulton, and Williams Counties, Ohio.

On September 11, 1862, the 111th arrived at Covington, Kentucky. Officials feared that Confederate General Kirby Smith's army was advancing on Cincinnati, Ohio and utilized the 111th to help defend the city. One week later, the regiment joined a Union expedition to Crittenden, Kentucky, driving Smith's cavalry from the vicinity. The organization returned to Covington, remaining at this location until September 25, 1862, when the unit boarded transports for Louisville, Kentucky. At Louisville, the 111th joined the 38th Brigade, 12th Division, Army of the Ohio. On October 3, 1862, the regiment advanced to Shelbyville, Kentucky and, on October 8, 1862, moved towards Frankfort, Kentucky and engaged Confederate forces in a small skirmish. Three days later, the organization marched to Crab Orchard, Kentucky via Lawrenceburg. The 111th next advanced to Bowling Green, Kentucky, where the unit guarded the railroad to Nashville, Tennessee and garrisoned forts. On May 29, 1863, the regiment advanced to Glasgow, Kentucky, where the organization joined the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 23rd Army Corps. The 111th also participated in a reconnaissance to Scottsville and Tomkinsville.

The 111th next joined the Union's pursuit of Confederate General John Hunt Morgan's cavalry, which was conducting a raid of southern Indiana and Ohio. The regiment departed Tomkinsville on July 4, 1863 and traveled to Louisville, via Glasgow and Munfordsville, arriving on July 9, 1863. The organization crossed the Ohio River and encamped at New Albany, Indiana. The regiment then moved to Jeffersonville, Indiana, where the unit boarded transports for Cincinnati, reaching this location on July 13, 1863. Five days later the 111th arrived at Portsmouth, Ohio.

Following Morgan's capture in Ohio, the 111th returned to Kentucky, marching via Lebanon to New Market. On August 19, 1863, the regiment began a movement to eastern Tennessee, traveling through Jefferson and Montgomery, arriving at Loudon, Tennessee on September 4, 1863. While stationed at Loudon, the 111th participated in several reconnaissances along the Tennessee and Holston Rivers as well as to New Market to intercept Confederate reinforcements advancing to Knoxville, Tennessee. On October 14 and 15, 1863, the regiment skirmished with portions of Confederate General James Longstreet's command, with the 111th emerging victorious on each occasion. On October 16, 1863, the organization also fought in the Battle of Campbell's Station. Positioned in the center and front of the Union lines, the regiment only had eight men killed or wounded. Following this engagement, the organization moved to Knoxville, where the 111th participated in the Siege of Knoxville. During this conflict, officials positioned the regiment on College Hill, with the unit losing six men killed or wounded. Upon the Confederates' retreat, the 111th joined the Union pursuit, skirmishing with the Southerners at Blain's Cross Roads, Danville, and Strawberry Plains. During the 111th's movements in the vicinity of Knoxville, the regiment's commanding officer issued the following report:

HDQRS. 111TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Knoxville, Tenn., November 28, 1863.

SIR: In obedience to an order of this date, asking for an official report of the casualties of this regiment of the 14th, 15th, and 16th instant, I have the honor to submit the following:

On the 14th instant, the regiment broke camp near Loudon and moved out at daylight to Lenoir's. At Lenoir's we were joined by a portion of the Ninth Army Corps and ordered back to loudon. From there we proceeded to Huff's Ferry, on the Tennessee River, where a brief but sharp engagement took place. The One hundred and eleventh Regiment was ordered by Gen. White, commanding division, to move to support of the Thirteenth Kentucky and One hundred and seventh Illinois. The regiment occupied a position about 50 yards to the rear of the advance line, and in the brilliant charge which drove the enemy from his position was but little exposed to the enemy's fire. Afterward I was ordered to the right of the advance, which position we occupied during the night. During the engagement the regiment lost but 2 men, both wounded.

On the 15th, at daybreak, in obedience to orders from your headquarters, I moved the regiment in line of battle to the Kingston and Loudon road, when I was ordered to the rear to cover the retreat of the whole army. At a point nearly opposite Loudon the advance of the rebels appeared in sight. I immediately formed the regiment along the crest of a hill and awaited the approach of the enemy's skirmishers. They came in heavy line and in good order (the Sixth South Carolina Regt. Sharpshooters), supported, I afterward learned, by two regiments of infantry. When within 150 yards we delivered a well-directed fire from our Springfield muskets and continued firing with considerable effect, holding them in check until our artillery was safely over the hill, when I was ordered by Col. Chapin (commanding brigade) to fall back. This order we obeyed immediately and in good order. My loss in the engagement is 2 killed, 10 wounded, and 2 missing, supposed to be mortally wounded. The small loss in killed and wounded is accounted for from the fact that the men fought while lying on the ground, thus exposing but a small part of the body to the enemy. From this point we marched unmolested to Lenoir's.

On the 16th, at 2 a.m., I received orders to march, and at 3.30 a.m. moved out on the Knoxville road. We arrived at Campbell's Station at 11 a.m., and were ordered to support the Henshaw battery, which had taken position on the left of the road. Scarcely had we got in position before skirmishing commenced in our front. The advance of the enemy was soon in sight, and the Henshaw battery opened on them immediately. They soon replied with a most terrible fire. The regiment changed position three times under fire, with great coolness and in good order. My loss in this engagement was 6 wounded, 1 supposed to be mortally.

I regret that I have to report a further loss in the capture of Lieut. Norris and 52 enlisted men (Company B). They were detailed on the night of the 15th, at Lenoir's, as pickets, and, through the negligence of the officer in charge of the pickets, were not relieved. They were captured on the railroad, near Campbell's Station, just previous to the engagement of the 16th.

While I regret that so many of the officers and enlisted men of this regiment were unavoidably absent during these engagements, I most heartily acknowledge that great credit is due those who were present for the prompt manner in which they performed their duty.


Date.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Killed.;; Wounded.;; Missing.;; Total.

November 14, 1863…………………..; ..;;;;;;;;; 2;;;;;;;;; ..;;;;;;;; 2

November 15, 1863…………………..;; 2;;;;;;;;10;;;;;;;;;; 2;;;;;;;; 14

November 16, 1863…………………..; ..;;;;;;;;; 6;;;;;;;;; 52;;;;;;;; 58

Total…………………………;; 2;;;;;;;;; 18;;;;;;;;; 54;;;;;;;; 74

Respectfully submitted.


Maj., Cmdg.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

During the winter of 1863-1864, the 111th principally remained in the vicinity of Knoxville and Strawberry Plains. In late February 1864, the regiment participated in an expedition to Mossy Creek. On March 14, 1864, the organization advanced to Morristown, where the unit skirmished with Confederate cavalry the following day. After this engagement, the 111th returned to Mossy Creek until April 26, 1864, when the regiment advanced to Charleston, Tennessee. During this winter, the 111th's commanding officer issued the following reports:


SIR: On the morning of the 1st of February I was directed by Col. Chapin, commanding brigade, to take command of an expedition toward Strawberry Plains, in pursuance of Special Orders, No. 12, from division headquarters.

At 8.30 a. m. the One hundred and eleventh Regt. Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the One hundred and seventh Regt. Illinois Volunteer Infantry moved from camp, proceeding up the track of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad to the picket-line of the Thirteenth Kentucky and Twenty-third Michigan, where a halt was ordered for a short time, allowing the Twenty-third Michigan to move from camp and join the column.

I then threw out skirmishers in front, and proceeded to within 5 miles of Flat Creek, at a point on the railroad where the wagon road diverges from the track, where I ordered Maj. Wheeler, of the Twenty-third Michigan, to detach a portion of his regiment, ordering them to move up the wagon road on a parallel line with the head of the main column, rejoining us at Flag Creek bridge.

We arrived at the bridge at 2 p. m., when I sent Company F, Capt. Hill, and Company H, Capt. Smith, of the One hundred and eleventh Regt. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on a scout in the direction of Strawberry Plains.

At 4 p. m. the scouting party returned, reporting that they had proceeded to within 2 miles of the plains, seeing no enemy, and from the best information which they could obtain there was no considerable force of the enemy at or near the plains, only 3 of the enemy being

reported at that place.

At 4 p. m., having loaded the train and accomplished the object of the expedition, the column commenced the march in return, and at 10 p. m. went into camp near Knoxville.

All of the foregoing report is respectfully submitted.

I have the honor to be, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Col. One hundred and eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Capt. R. C. KISE,

Assistant Adjutant-Gen.


SIR: I have the honor to report the following:

For several days past I have been, sending scouting parties in my front on the Rutledge road. Yesterday a portion of my scouts went out about 7 miles, and within sight of the enemy's camp. I learn from our scouts and citizens that there is a brigade of rebel cavalry in our front. Some citizens say that they are at Blain's Cross-Roads, while others are of opinion that only one regiment is at that point, Fourteenth Kentucky. Our scouts saw quite a camp near Flat Creek yesterday, judging by the fires, say two or three regiments. Our scouts encountered the flag of truce yesterday. Rebel Maj. [Capt.] Simms, of Fourth [Eighth] Kentucky Cavalry, by remarks made to Sergeant-Maj. Smith of our regiment, understands pretty well the disposition of our forces here at the front. The rebel scouts (numbering 10) were within 2 miles of our lines on the 12th.

I would call the attention of the general to the exposed condition of our line and the great distance we are from support. I send out a scout to-day at 3 p. m., and will try and ascertain their strength and position.

I inclose report of Sergeant-Maj. Smith.

I am, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Lieut. S. H. HUBBELL,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

HDQRS. 111TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Near Knoxville, Tenn., February 14, 1864

SIR: Allow me to report the following with regard to the scouting party sent out on the morning of the 13th instant: After leaving camp at 10 a. m. we ascended the hills on the south side of the Rutledge road, sending 2 reliable scouts up the opposite side of the valley. After advancing about 3 miles, a halt was ordered, and I went out to learn whether the advance had learned any news of importance, supposing that Lieut. Beery, who was in command, would advance slowly along the crest of the hills as we had been previously doing. I then ordered 2 of the scouts to keep along the foot of the hills and under cover as much as possible until they should discover the enemy, while I took the 2 remaining (there being but 4 in the advance beside myself), and ascending to the crest of the hill searched the valley through which the road to Blain's Cross-Roads from Knoxville passes.

Thus we kept on for about 3 miles, discovering no enemy, but learning from citizens who were reported to me as reliable Union men that they had a force of one brigade at or near Blain's Cross Roads. They came in on the evening of the 11th; also, that enemy had a force of quite a large number at Flat Creek, one regiment having come in on the evening of the 12th, and on the morning of the 13th another force of two or three regiments came in.

From the position that we then were we could see for some distance up the valley. The smoke of the camps could be easily seen; also we could see a force of cavalry approaching, which proved to be a flag of truce. We immediately went down to the road and received them. From remarks made to me by the adjutant of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry their lines were not far distant; also from remarks that they made they know the situation of the troops in this vicinity and the exact number of regiments; also, that while the truce party was coming in from the place where we first me them, they stopped for quite a while at the houses of different ones along the road who are notorious rebels.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

I am, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant,



Lieut. W. S. THURSTON,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

On May 6, 1864, the 111th marched to Red Clay, Georgia, where it embarked upon General William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign. In this expedition, the regiment fought in the Battles of Buzzard's Roost, Rocky Face Mountain, Resaca, Kennesaw Mountain, Pine Mountain, Lost Mountain, Dallas, Nicojack Creek, Decatur, Peachtree Creek, Utoy Creek, Lovejoy's Station, and Rough-and-Ready and the Siege of Atlanta. During the Atlanta Campaign, which culminated in the Union's capture of Atlanta, Georgia in early September 1864, the 111th had 380 men available and lost 212 soldiers killed or wounded. On September 8, the regiment encamped at Decatur, Georgia, enjoying a one-month's rest after the arduous campaign. During the Atlanta, Campaign, the 111th's commanding officer issued the following reports:

HDQRS. 111TH OHIO INFANTRY VOLUNTEERS, Front Atlanta, Ga., July 31, 1864.

CAPT.: In response to circular under date July 30, from headquarters Second Brigade, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of One hundred and eleventh Ohio in this campaign:

Left Mossy Creek, East Tenn., April 26; rested ten days at Charleston, Tenn., and arrived in front of enemy at Buzzard Roost May 8. May 9, advanced on enemy's position, driving in skirmishers under Rocky Face Mountain, meeting very stubborn resistance. On 12th marched through Tunnel Hill and 13th through Snake Creek Gap. On 14th attacked the enemy's position at Resaca, making a charge in which we were repulsed with severe loss. On the 15th moved to left of line, supporting the Twentieth Corps, who engaged and defeated the enemy. The enemy having evacuated Resaca on the night of the 15th, on the 16th we moved south in pursuit, fording the Connesauga River and crossing the Coosawattee River on the 17th. On the 20th passed through Cassville, and on the evening of the 20th went into position near Cartersville on Etowah River. On 24th crossed Etowah River at Etowah Cliffs; moved up Richland Creek about five miles; had a skirmish with enemy's cavalry; One hundred and eleventh Ohio went to guard cross-road near Rowland's. On 25th marched south about nine miles toward Dallas, passing Burnt Hickory. On 26th crossed Pumpkin Vine Creek; formed on left of line; skirmished with enemy for two miles through woods, and about 5 p. m. found him in force and received a few shells. On 27th the enemy drove in One hundred and seventh Illinois and Twenty-third Michigan, who were on outpost duty in front of One hundred and eleventh and One hundred and eighteenth Ohio. One hundred and eleventh Ohio was ordered to make a charge and drive them back. We did so; moved up at night closer to enemy's position and were shelled considerably and considerably exposed to infantry fire.

From May 27 to June 2 we remained in this position constantly skirmishing. On June 2 we moved about three miles to left of line and skirmished into position, meeting with vigorous resistance both from artillery and infantry. On June 5 went into position a little farther in advance; went on reconnaissance with balance of brigade. In the evening had a slight skirmish and received a few of enemy's shell. June 10, moved out to feel the enemy in front of Lost Mountain; had sharp skirmishing; drove in enemy's skirmishers and went into position. On June 15 again advanced; had brisk fight; drove back enemy's line to right of Lost Mountain, and went into position near base of mountain. Skirmished all day on 16th; twice advanced our lines. On 17th One hundred and eleventh went out at daylight on reconnaissance; found the main force of rebels had evacuated line of Lost Mountain; had some skirmishing. At 10 a. m. balance of division got into position, when we advanced with line, driving the enemy back (cavalry) about three miles; One hundred and eleventh went on reconnaissance in evening to Noline's Creek; found cavalry in position; exchanged a few shots and returned. On 19th again advanced about two miles, fording Noline's Creek, Second Brigade, Second Division, both being in reserve. On 22d moved out in front of Gen. Cox, about two miles; formed on right of Twentieth Corps; whole line now in front of Kenesaw Mountain and Marietta; some skirmishing. From this time until the 26th we skirmished constantly with the enemy. On the evening of 26th One hundred and eleventh Ohio moved up to skirmish line at dark, and threw up works, meeting a very heavy fire. From 27th to 30th skirmished constantly; was relieved at midnight on 30th.

July 1, advance to right of Kenesaw and in front of Gen. Cox's division; had severe skirmish; drove enemy back, and went into position in front of Nickajack Creek.

On 5th (the enemy having evacuated Kenesaw on 2d) moved out on Marietta road. On 6th moved to Ruff's Station, on railroad. On 8th moved northeast to Chattahoochee River; crossed river on 9th and went into position. On the 14th moved two and a half miles south and went into position on left of Fourth Corps. On 17th moved out two and a half miles to east and went into position ten miles north of Atlanta. On 18th marched five miles to east; One hundred and eleventh Ohio went on reconnaissance three miles to right of brigade, on Peach Tree Creek; remained during night. On 19th One hundred and eleventh Ohio joined brigade at 6 a. m. moved seven miles south; went into position at Decatur, Ga., six miles east of Atlanta. On 20th moved out on Atlanta road within three miles of Atlanta; found the enemy in force on ridge. One hundred and eleventh Ohio was ordered to cross a ravine and charge a ridge supposed to be occupied by enemy's cavalry; crossed the ravine; drove the enemy from ridge (assisted by two companies of Thirteenth Kentucky); held it and occupied it during the day; enemy made two attempts to drive regiment back, but were repulsed. On night of 21st enemy evacuated our front, and fell back on Atlanta. On 22d moved upon enemy's line, and in the engagement of that day, supported with balance of brigade the Sixteenth Corps battery on extreme right of Sixteenth Corps line. Since that time we have been in reserve, receiving what shot and shell the enemy see fit to throw to the rear.

I can speak in the highest terms of the enlisted men of the regiment. The officers present, with but one exception, have also performed every duty to my entire satisfaction.

A complete list of casualties has been furnished the medical director by regimental surgeon. The casualties on surgeons' books are 93; whole number, including those slightly wounded, over 100.

Captured by enemy, Privates Eugene Mitchell and David Warner, of Company G, on July 16. I have no men missing not accounted for.

Yours, very respectfully,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt.

HDQRS. 111TH OHIO, In the Field, near Atlanta, August 25, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of my regiment during the period you were in command of brigade:

On the 20th June we were lying in front of Kenesaw Mountain, near Nolan's Creek, on the extreme right of line. On the 22d we moved forward at 9 a. m., and advanced east about two and a half miles, and went into position in front of enemy on right of division. On 25th we advanced our skirmish line, and on the 26th at dark the One hundred and eleventh Ohio moved quietly forward to our skirmish line, and built works and occupied them. On the 27th advanced our skirmish line and made heavy demonstration in front in favor of attacking party on Kenesaw Mountain. Remained in this position until the evening of 30th, when we moved back one mile and a half and bivouacked for the night.

July 1, advanced in front of Cox's division; had brisk skirmish; went into position, built barricade after night-fall; moved to the right to support Gen. Cooper's brigade. July 2, moved back to first position, where we remained until July 5, when we moved out on road to Marietta; went into position at sunset in front of enemy's works. On the 6th moved out five miles northeast to Ruff's Station on railroad, and went into camp at noon. On the 8th moved seven miles northeast to Chattahoochee River; crossed the Chattahoochee. On the 9th marched about two miles, and went into position, building strong earth-works. On the 14th moved out at 9 a. m. two and a half miles, and went into position on left of Fourth Corps; built strong earth-works. On the 17th moved out at 10 a. m. to south, and camped at night ten miles north of Atlanta. On the 18th moved out five miles to east and south and halted near Peach Tree Creek. One hundred and eleventh went on reconnaissance two and a half miles to right of brigade, and camped for night on bank of creek. On the 19th One hundred and eleventh rejoined the brigade at 9 a. m. and moved out on road to Decatur; had brisk skirmish and took Decatur. On the 20th moved out on road to Atlanta, within three miles of town. One hundred and eleventh Ohio, with two companies of Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry, moved forward and took a ridge immediately in front of enemy's works with some loss. One hundred and eleventh Ohio held position during the day, being twice attacked by enemy; were relieved at night by One hundred and seventh Illinois, and went half mile to rear in position. On night of 21st enemy evacuated works in our front. On the 22d we moved forward, One hundred and eleventh Ohio in advance of brigade. In fight on that day moved to support battery, and held position on right of Sixteenth Corps. From this time until August 1 Second Brigade was in reserve, receiving a full complement of shot and shell from enemy's batteries in our front, causing more mental anguish than bodily suffering.

August 1, moved out at 9 p. m. one mile toward right and bivouacked for night. On 2d passed around to extreme right of line and went into position. On August 3 Second Brigade moved across Utoy Creek, Thirteenth Kentucky in advance, and took a ridge occupied by enemy's skirmishers. Went into position and built earth-works. Remained in this position until August 6, when we moved out at daylight to extreme right; had skirmishing nearly all day; changed position four or five times, twice on double-quick; built earth-works at night. On 7th Second Brigade advanced and took ridge in front, went into position at night, and built works.

On the 8th again advanced close to enemy's works and again built earth-works. On the 9th again advanced, One hundred and eleventh Ohio deployed as skirmishers; had brisk skirmishing; drove in enemy's pickets; enemy opened artillery on skirmishers; took position designed, which has since been occupied as skirmish line. On 10th regiment went into position on right of brigade, built earth-works. From this time until 16th we remained in position.

On the fourth page will be found a list of the casualties of my regiment.

In conclusion, allow me to congratulate you in behalf of myself and my regiment on the very successful and satisfactory manner in which you handled your command. We owe you our sincere thanks for vigilance, cautiousness, and watchfulness in our behalf, and will ever hold in grateful remembrance your bravery and gallantry and ever gentlemanly deportment. In this we recognize those highly Christian elements of the true soldier.

Very respectfully, your most obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Commanded 111th Ohio.


Cmdg. Second Brigade.

CAMP ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH OHIO, Decatur, Ga., September 9, 1864.

SIR: In accordance with orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command from August 15 to September 8, 1864:

August 15, my command was in position on right of Second Brigade, a point about three miles southwest of East Point, Ga. Remained in this position until the 18th, receiving a few shells from the enemy's batteries in our front, and furnishing details to build a line of works in our rear. On the 18th we advanced our line and moved about brigade distance to right, confronting a line of rebel works. On 19th went south and east about two and a half miles with balance of division, returning to camp at night. Repeated the same move on 20th; remained until 23d, when One hundred and eleventh Ohio went out on Campbellton road five miles on foraging expedition, returning in evening. Remained in this position until August 28, when we moved out at sunset on Sandtown road, three miles to Mount Gilead Church, and camped for the night. On evening of 29th moved south-southeast about two miles and went into position one mile and a half from West Point railroad and fourteen miles from Atlanta.

On 30th marched east; struck the West Point railroad; went into position; had some skirmishing in front; position east of railroad and five miles south of East Point. August 31, moved out at 6 a. m. Moved south about two and a half miles; turned and marched north-northeast till reached line of works built by rebels previous evening, where we rested for the night.

On September 1 moved out at daybreak, marching east; struck Macon railroad after marching two and a half miles; destroyed track at Red Oak Station and moved south along railroad to within two and a half miles of Jonesborough, where One hundred and eleventh Ohio went out a mile in advance on reconnaissance; returned to brigade and went into position at dark. On September 2 marched by a circuitous route about ten miles and reached point near Lovejoy's Station and went into position on left of Fourth Corps. At dark were under fire somewhat, as Fourth Corps were engaged with enemy as we went into position. On September 3 we changed position, retiring our left and building a line of works. Remained in this position (being considerably exposed to shell and musketry) until 9 p. m. of September 5, when we moved out, marching all night, and going into camp two and a half miles from Jonesborough on the morning of the 6th. Left this camp 11 a. m. on 7th and marched to within seven miles of Decatur, where we camped for night. On the 8th we reached Decatur at 12 m.

My casualties are: Killed-Josiah M. Kepler, first sergeant Company E, on September 6.

I am, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Lieut. S. H. HUBBELL.

On October 4, 1864, the 111th joined the Union pursuit of Confederate General John Bell Hood's army, which was launching an invasion of northern Georgia, northern Alabama, and central Tennessee. The regiment advanced through Cedar Bluffs, Rome, Resaca, and Johnsonville, arriving at Columbia, Tennessee on November 20, 1864. The 111th fought in the Battle of Columbia (November 24-29, 1864) and covered the Union retreat to Franklin, Tennessee. Upon reaching Franklin on November 30, the organization took up a position on the Union left. At the Battle of Franklin (November 30, 1864), the regiment had twenty-two men killed and an additional forty soldiers wounded. Following this Northern defeat, the 111th retreated with the Union army to Nashville, Tennessee. After the Battle of Franklin, the 111th's commanding officer issued the following report:

HDQRS. 111TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Nashville, Tenn., December 5, 1864.

SIR: In accordance with orders I have the honor to submit the following report of my command from the 21st of November to date:

On the 21st of November my command left Johnsonville on the Tennessee River, and came on cars about forty miles on the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. At this point we found a train of cars burning upon the track. By order of Gen. Ruger I unloaded my command from the cars and set them clearing wreck. Remained here until 10 p.m. 22d, when, after clearing track and relaying a portion, we proceeded to Nashville, from thence by railroad to Columbia, where we arrived at 3 a.m., of the 23d. Remained in the vicinity of Columbia until the night of the 27th, frequently changing position and building some seven lines of breast-works. On the night of the 27th we crossed to north bank of Duck River, and went into position at daylight on the 28th on the right of the railroad. Went with right wing of my regiment down Duck River two miles to guard a ford. Skirmished some with cavalry, losing one man mortally wounded. On the 29th I received orders to remain with my regiment until dark guarding the railroad bridge across Duck River and the fords, the balance of the command having moved out on Franklin pike. Skirmished considerably during the day, losing two men, one mortally wounded, the other severely. On the evening of the 29th I concentrated my command, One hundred and eleventh Ohio and seventy-five men of the Twenty-fourth Missouri Infantry, and started out without a guide to find the Franklin pike. Struck the pike at 10 p.m. and reached Franklin at noon on the 30th, making a march from the ford on Duck River of twenty-four miles. On the morning of the 30th the rebel cavalry attacked our wagon train, drove off our cavalry, and were making for the train. My regiment drove them off, losing one man severely wounded in the neck. Upon arriving at Franklin I was assigned a position on the left of the brigade. We threw up temporary breast-works, which were not completed when our skirmishers were driven in and the rebels in three lines came up our front. They were repulsed in my front and on the right, but the regiment on my immediate left gave back, and for a moment I feared the line was lost. I ordered my regiment to "fix bayonets and stand by the works," which they did. At this juncture Capt. P. H. Dowling came up, and by great exertion succeeded in rallying a portion of the broken line, brought them forward, and retook a portion of the works on my immediate left. The fighting was incessant on my left and in front until midnight, and most of my guns became so hot that they could scarcely be handled. At midnight, in accordance with orders, I brought my regiment off the field with the balance of the brigade. Marched the balance of the night, and the next day, December 1, reached Nashville at 2 p.m., where we have since been in position.

In the engagement at Franklin all my officers and men behaved to my entire satisfaction.

A list of casualties, in accordance with orders, has been placed in the hands

of Doctor Brewer, brigade surgeon.

Losses-killed, 12; wounded, 40; missing, 2; total, 54.

Very respectfully, your most obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt.

Capt. HENRY A. HALE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

At the Battle of Nashville (December 15 and 16, 1864), the regiment fought on the Union left, capturing three Confederate flags and numerous prisoners, while losing seven men killed and fifteen wounded. The unit pursued the retreating Confederates, eventually encamping at Clifton, Tennessee.

On January 17, 1865, the 111th departed Clifton onboard transports for Cincinnati, Ohio, arriving six days later. The regiment next traveled to Washington, DC, reaching this location on January 31, 1865. The unit then traveled by steamer to Fort Fisher, North Carolina, where the organization joined General William T. Sherman's Carolinas Campaign. The 111th fought in the Battle of Fort Anderson and also in skirmishes at Moseby's Hill and at Goldsboro. Following Confederate General Joseph Johnston's surrender in late April 1865, the regiment moved to Salisbury, North Carolina, where the organization performed garrison duty. On June 27, 1865, authorities mustered the 111th out of service and ordered the regiment to Cleveland, Ohio, with the unit arriving at this location on July 5, 1865. One week later, officials discharged the organization's members.

During the 111th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry's term of service, fifty-four men, including two officers, died on the battlefield. An additional 161 men, including three officers, succumbed to disease or accidents.


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