Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 124th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

124th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry


In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. They served for varying lengths of time, averaging one hundred days to three years. On October 1, 1862, the 124th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry mustered into service at Camp Cleveland, at Cleveland, Ohio. The men in the regiment were to serve three years and consisted primarily of enlistees from northern Ohio, with the notable exception of Company I, which included men from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Upon the 124th Regiment’s muster, officials ordered the men to return to their homes. On January 1, 1863, the unit’s members rendezvoused at Camp Taylor at Cleveland. The 124th boarded train cars and traveled to Cincinnati and then proceeded to Louisville, Kentucky, followed by Elizabethtown, Kentucky, where the organization encamped for approximately one month. In late January 1863, the regiment returned to Louisville, where the unit boarded river transports for Nashville, Tennessee on February 1, 1863, reaching this new city ten days later. Authorities ordered the 124th to Franklin, Tennessee, where the unit drilled, constructed defensive works, and periodically skirmished with Confederate forces until June 1863. On March 5, 1863, the regiment participated in the Battle of Thompson’s Station. Confederate forces captured many Northern soldiers, but authorities had positioned the 124th in the rear, where the unit guarded a supply train. The 124th eventually engaged the Southerners but was able to escape from the battlefield with the wagons. After this battle, the commanding officer of the 124th issued the following report:

HDQRS. 124TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Triune, Tenn., June 10, 1863.

COL.: In accordance with your request, dated at Indianapolis, Ind., May 24, 1863, I have the honor to submit the following report: By order of Col. O. H. Payne, commanding the brigade to which my regiment is attached, I reported to you with my regiment, about 400 strong, on the morning of the 4th of March. Was posted on the left of the Twenty-second Wisconsin Volunteers, and remained in that position until the advance was attacked, about 4 miles south of Franklin. I was then ordered to support the Eighteenth Ohio Battery, and held my men in rear of the battery during the continuance of the firing. Near this place we bivouacked for the night; but two companies were by your orders kept constantly under arms.

On the morning of the 5th, I was ordered to bring up the rear, for the protection of the train. When the firing commenced, I caused the train to be halted, and sent a messenger in search of you for instructions. He returned, having been unsuccessful, and I continued to send in succession a number of others, including my major and adjutant. None were, however, able to reach you. Near the close of the action, the train-master informed me that he had been order to turn the train and move rapidly to the rear. At the same time vedettes, which were posted on the hill to the left of the road, instructed me that a heavy force was moving around the hill to cut off our retreat. The cavalry was then retreating, and I immediately caused the train and my regiment to move rapidly to the rear; but I was overtaken by a member of your staff, with an order for me to halt at a favorable position for the posting of the battery, allow the train to pass on, and await the arrival of the battery. These instructions were obeyed, the halt being made at the brick church, where I remained until after the battery had taken position in front of my regiment, when Col. Jordan, commanding the cavalry, ordered me to retreat. The train retread in perfect order, without the loss of a single man or wagon.

I have the honor to be, colonel, your obedient servant,


Lieut. Col., Cmdg. One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Vol. Infty.


On June 2, 1863, the 124th advanced from Franklin to Triune, Tennessee, arriving at this location the next day. A few days later, the organization moved to Readyville, Tennessee and then to Manchester, Tennessee, where the organization encamped. At Manchester, the 124th joined the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 21st Army Corps of the Army of the Ohio. On August 16, 1863, the command departed Manchester and advanced towards Chattanooga, Tennessee, reaching Poe’s Tavern on August 21, 1863 and Lee & Gordon’s Mills on September 9, 1863. The next day, the 124th began a reconnaissance into the Chattanooga Valley, returning to Lee & Gordon’s Mills on September 18, 1863. The following day, the Battle of Chickamauga erupted. During the engagement’s first day, the regiment successfully defended its position during the morning hours but, after officials moved the unit to a new location in the afternoon, slowly withdrew before superior Confederate forces. On September 20, 1863, the 124th repulsed several Confederate attacks but retreated with the rest of the Union army towards Chattanooga that night. The regiment arrived at Chattanooga on September 22, 1863, having marched through Rossville, Georgia and Mission Ridge, Georgia. At the Battle of Chickamauga, the 124th had 140 men killed, wounded, or captured. After this battle, the commanding officer of the 124th issued the following report:

HDQRS. 124TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Camp near Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28, 1863.

CAPT.: As commander of the One hundred and twenty-fourth Regt. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this regiment in the recent engagements of the 19th and 20th instant:

At 3 o'clock on the morning of the 19th, we went into bivouac on the left of the State road, about 2 miles north of Lee and Gordon's Mills, in double column at half distance. At half past 6 a. m. we moved forward to the road, the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry deployed in our front, and stood to arms in that position until 11 a. m., during which time heavy firing was heard on our left. At half past 11 o'clock, in obedience to orders, we moved to the left along the State road, with Company B thrown out as flankers, until we reached a left-hand road, which we followed about half a mile, and then moved to the right half a mile, when we again came into position on the State road in rear of the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry in double column at half distance. The forward was then sounded, and we had advanced but a short distance when the firing commenced in our front, and the regiment was deployed into line of battle under a heavy fire of musketry from the enemy. After lying down in this position for some time on a gentle rise of ground, exposed to a severe fire and meeting with some losses, orders were received to move the regiment by the left flank and form a continuation of the line of battle of the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. It was at this time, when confused by a galling from the enemy, that Companies A and H and a part of D, not understanding the order from the commanding officer, became detached, and they were unable to rejoin the regiment until late in the afternoon, having in the meantime done gallant service on the right of the Sixth Kentucky. After moving by the left flank about 400 paces, we were moved by the right flank with Company B, commanded by Capt. George W. Lewis, deployed to the front as skirmishers, the enemy's fire, which had now become very heavy, telling fearfully in our ranks. The colonel at this time fell severely wounded and was carried to the rear. The firing had now become so heavy in my immediate front that I ordered my skirmish line to assemble on the left of the regiment, and fired by volley until the; cartridges were nearly expended, when I was temporarily relieved by the Ninety-second Ohio. After refilling cartridge boxes, the regiment immediately retook position in the front, relieving the Ninety-second and remaining under a severe fire for nearly an hour, when, after a very heavy loss, we were again relieved by one of Gen. Turchin's regiments and ordered to join our brigade, which had been moved to the right.

This engagement was in an open wood, with little shelter on either side, in full view of the enemy, who advanced repeatedly in line against us, the combined fire of artillery and infantry being for a long time incapable of breaking either line; but the superior valor and energy of our troops at last triumphed, and as the regiment retired it was evident the line of the enemy was giving way. This was the first severe fire my regiment had ever sustained, and too much cannot be said in praise of the skill and courage of the men, for few troops have ever met a heavier and more resolute fire. We were placed on the left of the brigade about half a mile to the right of our former position, with our left resting on the State road, and were here rejoined by Companies A and H of the regiment. We were hardly in position when the brigade which we were ordered to support fell back, and we received the full force of a terrible fire before being aware that the line just to our front in the woods was that of the enemy and not our own troops. The regiment delivered a most telling volley in return, when, being greatly outnumbered and unsupported on its flanks, it retired in line to the crest of a hill in the rear, regaining position just as the enemy were checked by the fire of batteries massed on the left. It was now sundown, and the fighting for the day having apparently ceased, we went into bivouac in line of battle about one-half a mile to the left of the position last held.

At about half past 7 o'clock heavy firing was heard on our left, and we were again ordered to move in that direction, taking up our position in the front line, and bivouacking in line of battle immediately in front of Johnson's division.

On the morning of the 20th, we threw up a slight breastwork of logs and rails on a slight crest immediately in front our lines, behind which we fought without loss until afternoon, resisting several most desperate charges of the enemy, who vainly tried to capture our works and our battery, of which we were the left support. Our fire, which was by volley, was delivered with marked precision and rapidity, my regiment being for a short time assisted by the Twenty-third Kentucky, who alternated with us in pouring most deadly discharges into the enemy's ranks, which were repeatedly broken and finally repulsed. About 3 o'clock we were ordered to move to the right to support Col. Harker's brigade, which was being hard pressed, and we suffered a loss of several killed and wounded in performing the movement, Company A being thrown out as skirmishers. But the enemy were soon driven, the regiment firing by battalion and performing several evolutions under fire. The firing at this point was for a short time very severe. Heavy firing was soon; developed on the left, and I was ordered to change front from right to rear, which was done promptly and without loss.

At twilight all firing ceased, and our regiment was formed with the brigade in a hollow square on the crest of the hill about which we had fought, where we remained until after dark, when we were ordered to retreat on the road to Rossville, which was done in perfect order, Company A being thrown out on the right as flankers. We went into bivouac at Rossville in line of battle, and remained there until 8 o'clock on the morning of the 21st, when we were moved to the front and placed in position in the front line of the brigade on Missionary Ridge. There we threw up a slight breastwork of rails and stone, with our front well covered with skirmishers, and remained under cover during the day, exposed in the afternoon to a light fire from a rebel battery.

We were moved from this position on the night of the 21st, and took up the position we now occupy on the morning of the 22d.

I hereby submit a list of casualties:

Companies.;;;;;;; K;; W;; M;;; T

Officers……… ..; 2; ..;; 2

A……………. 2; 19;; 5;; 26

B……………. 1; 13;; 1;; 15

C……………. ..; 6;; 4;; 10

D……………. .. 11;; 1;; 12

E……………. 1; 11;; 3;; 15

F……………. 3;; 3;; 1;;; 7

G……………. 1;; 5;; 3;;; 9

H……………. 4; 11;; 5;; 20

I……………. 2;; 9;; 4;; 15

Unassigned……. 1;; 2;; 7;; 10

Total……… 15; 92; 34; 141

K=Killed. W=Wounded. M=Missing. T=Total.

The early loss of the colonel at a moment of great danger was most keenly felt by the regiment and cannot be too sincerely deplored. Unbounded confidence was felt in his skill and courage, and his gallant conduct during the brief exposure before his wound gave evidence of what might have been expected in the subsequent encounters. Officers and men unanimously lamented his loss, regarding the absence of a respected and beloved leader as no small calamity for a regiment just undergoing its first trial, from which the memory of his example and the fruit of his thorough and patient drill could alone rescue it. My adjutant, C. D. Hammer, displayed tact and courage in a marked degree, and I gladly take the occasion to mention his efficiency in all his duties, both in the field and at the desk, a deserve compliment in which all my officers will most heartily join.

My line officers with one or two exceptions, merit unqualified praise for their coolness, bravery, and gallant conduct, which enabled them to control and inspire their men in moments of severe trial and great danger. Nearly all my non-commissioned officers exhibited gallantry of a high order, meeting with an unusually number of losses, which is a proof at once of their courage and devotion.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Maj., Comdg. Regt.


Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Second Brigade.

At Chattanooga, the 124th primarily constructed breastworks, as Confederate forces laid siege to the beleaguered Northerners. Officials reassigned the regiment to the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps. On October 26, 1863, the organization with other Union soldiers sailed down the Tennessee River under the cover of darkness to Raccoon Mountain. The Northern soldiers drove Confederate forces from the mountain, helping to establish a supply line for the Union soldiers in Chattanooga. A few days later the 124th returned to its original position in Chattanooga. On November 23, 1863, the regiment participated in the Union’s initial assault on Missionary Ridge, which overlooked Chattanooga. Two days later, in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, the 124th helped the Northern army drive the Confederates from these heights, essentially ending the Siege of Chattanooga. In the battle, the 124th captured seven cannons, two caissons, eighty firearms, and an ammunition wagon, while having twenty-three men killed, four wounded, and nineteen soldiers captured or missing. After the Battle of Missionary Ridge, the commanding officer of the 124th issued the following report:

HDQRS. 124TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Knoxville, Tennessee, December 8, 1863.

CAPT.: I respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by my battalion in the advance on Mission Ridge:

On the afternoon of November 23, we were ordered to prepare for a reconnaissance and were moved to the front of Fort Wood, where my battalion, composed of the One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio and Sixth Indiana, took its position on the left of the first line. We then made a steady and continued advance, and occupied the enemy's rifle-pits on a range of hills midway between Ford Wood and Missionary Ridge.

After gaining the hill I was ordered to form a breastwork, and my men were kept at work until dark, being exposed to an almost constant fire of artillery form Missionary Ridge. During the night we received intrenching tools and continued to work until 1 o'clock when I was ordered to relieve with my regiment the Fifth and Sixth Kentucky Regiments on picket duty. From this time my regiment was separated from the Sixth Indiana, and after being relieved from picket I was ordered to report to Lieut.-Col. Langdon, of the First Ohio. In the advance of the 23d, the loss in my battalion was as follows: One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio: Officers wounded,2; enlisted men wounded,1; enlisted men killed,1; total,4. Sixth Indiana: Enlisted men wounded,9. Aggregate,13.

On the afternoon of the 25th, I was ordered to relieve with my regiment the Sixth Ohio and Twenty-third Kentucky Regiments on the skirmisher line, with instructions to advance at the signal of six guns and take possession of the works at the foot of the ridge.

To reach the works we were obliged to pass over a cleared space of about 800 yards. Before arriving at the works, the enemy deserted them and began retreating up the hill under a fire of musketry from my line. We lay behind the enemy's works till the brigade came up, when the left wing of my regiment advanced with it, the right wing ascending the hill without support. The fire of musketry and canister was very heavy, and the advance was slow but steady.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, we drove the enemy from the rifle-pits in our front, while several members of Company G turned a piece of artillery loaded with canister and discharged it at the retreating enemy. In a attempt of the enemy to carry off a battery, my men shot the horses and captured the guns and two caissons.

The part of the line commanded by Lieut. Proctor descended the opposite side of the hill and captured two wagons loaded with arms and ammunition.

The trophies captured were as follows; 7 pieces of artillery, 2 caissons, 80 stand of arms, 1 wagon load of ammunition, and 2 wagons, besides a number of horses.

The loss in my regiment was: Officers killed, 1; officers wounded, 1; enlisted men killed, 4; enlisted men wounded, 19; total,25.

My regiment marched with the brigade from Chattanooga to Knoxville without any casualties.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,




Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

On November 26, 1863, the 124th returned to its camp at Chattanooga, and officials quickly dispatched the regiment to Knoxville, Tennessee, where Confederates were besieging another Union force. The organization departed Chattanooga on November 30, reaching Knoxville on December 10, 1864, one day after Confederate soldiers had withdrawn from this city. Officials ordered the 124th to encamp at Clinch Mountain, where the unit remained until mid January 1864, when the organization marched to Dandridge, Tennessee and constructed log cabins for winter quarters.

On April 15, 1864, the 124th departed Dandridge and advanced to McDonald Station, Tennessee, thirty miles east of Chattanooga. At this location, officials resupplied the organization, which had suffered severely during the winter of 1863-1864 while conducting numerous reconnaissances. In early May 1864, the regiment embarked upon General William T. Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign. The unit fought in many of the major engagements of this campaign, including the Battles of Rocky Face Ridge, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Atlanta, and Jonesborough. Upon the Union’s capture of Atlanta, Georgia in early September 1864, the 124th spent approximately one month recuperating from the long campaign in this city. After the Atlanta Campaign, the commanding officer of the 124th issued the following report:

HDQRS. 124TH REGT. OHIO VOL. INFANTRY, Atlanta, Ga., September 13, 1864.

CAPT.: I would respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by the One hundred and twenty-fourth Regt. Ohio Foot Volunteers in the campaign just closed, and would also include the Ninety-third Ohio Foot Volunteers, from May 6 to August 19, it being placed during that time under my command by the general commanding the brigade:

The battalion on the 3d of May, after a short rest of but two weeks from a hard and continuous campaign in East Tennessee, broke camp at McDonald's Station and marched to Catoosa Springs, reaching the Springs wax the 4th. On the 9th, the command having moved up and confronted the enemy's position at Buzzard Roost, this battalion forming the front of the right line, with the Twenty-third Kentucky deployed as skirmishers in front, was ordered to make a demonstration on Rocky Face Ridge, where the enemy were posted in force. Obeying the sound of the bugle, the battalion advanced up the sides of the mountain, passing over the skirmish line, which had been checked by the', fire of the enemy, until it reached a perpendicular ledge of rocks about forty feet from the summit of the ridge; here the battalion remained for several hours, inflicting by their firing considerable damage upon the enemy. The object of the demonstration being accomplished the battalion fell back to the foot of the ridge. The One', hundred and twenty-fourth lost in this movement 2 enlisted men killed and 18 wounded; the Ninety-third Ohio, 4 enlisted men wounded. On the 10th, 11th, and 12th the battalion lay under the fire of the enemy without loss. On the night of the 12th, the enemy having evacuated his position, at daylight the command followed them up, passing through Dalton, bivouacing for the night a few miles south of the village. At daylight the next morning the pursuit was continued, and about noon of the 14th the enemy were overtaken, strongly posted in front of Resaca. This battalion, forming the left of the front line of the brigade, was ordered to relieve a battalion of the Twenty-third Corps, which, finding most miserably posted on the slope of a, hill, scattered along behind the trees, and resembling more a skirmish line than a, line of battle, I ordered the battalion to charge and take a ridge within 200 yards of their main line of works, which was most handsomely and gallantly done with but slight loss. This position the battalion held and during the night strengthened with fortifications, remaining here until the enemy evacuated his position. On the afternoon of the 15th orders were received to assault the enemy's works in our front, it being understood that a general assault was to be made along the whole line, commencing with the division on our immediate left. At about 1 p. m., in obedience to orders from our brigade commander, the battalion moved to the attack, but this being the only brigade moved forward the enemy concentrated a murderous fire on both Banks as well as our front and easily and badly repulsed us. During the night the enemy abandoned his position and fell back to the south of the Oostenaula River. In the operations before Resaca, the Ninety-third sustained a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 10 wounded. The One hundred and twenty-fourth, 5 enlisted men killed and 29 wounded. In the pursuit of the enemy through Calhoun to Adairsville, the battalion was constantly skirmishing with the enemy, sustaining, however, but slight loss. At Adairsville we came up to them strongly posted, and the battalion spent the night of the 17th in gaining and fortifying a position preparatory to operations in the morning, but daylight found the position in our front evacuated, and the pursuit continued to Cassville; here a much needed rest of several days was given to the command. On the 23d active movements against the enemy were resumed, and on the 20th, the command having crossed Burnt Hickory Ridge, came upon the enemy posted near Dallas. During the night of the 26th the battalion was actively engaged in gaining and fortifying a position within a few hundred yards of the enemy's position. At daylight May 27, having just completed the fortifications, the battalion was relieved with the division and massed near Pickett's Mills preparatory to making an assault on the enemy's right Hank. The column of assault was formed with two battalions front, this battalion occupying the left of the front line, with skirmishers thrown out frown both regiments; thus formed, at about 12 m. the movement commenced.

Advancing to the left of our army about two miles, encountering only the cavalry of the enemy, which were easily driven before us, we came up to their fortified position. Expect.ing that we were now near their right Hank, we were moved back some forty yards, and about 1,000 yards farther to our left, when the lines were rectified preparatory to making the assault. At 4 p. m. the final attack was made. This battalion moved briskly forward through a thick woods, coming up with the skirmish line at the foot of the deep ravine, where it had been stopped by a rapid fire from the opposite hill, the sides of which were, thickly covered with an almost impenetrable thicket and in many places were almost perpendicular. He, re, stopping long enough to rectify the lines, I ordered them forward, the battalion gaining the hill, and had advanced a few yards from the crest of the hill within about thirty paces of the enemy's works, when it was met with such a withering fire from the front and each flank that it was checked and compelled to find shelter behind the crest of the hill. So rapid and close was the fire, that seeing that it would be impracticable to make another effort to carry the works with the battalion, now much depleted, I ordered the battalion to cover themselves as well as possible and hold the position, expecting every moment to be re-enforced by the second line. It not making its appearance, I sent an officer to find it and to communicate to the general commanding the brigade my position. Still the line did not come, and not until I had held the position for nearly an hour did any re-enforcements come up to the position the battalion occupied, and then only the left of one of the lines of the First Brigade, which indifferently lapped the right wing of my battalion, reached me in strength so weak that a feeble effort to advance beyond my position was easily repulsed by the enemy. Not hearing from the general, I now dispatched another officer to him for orders, but he, as well as the officer I had previously sent, I learned afterward, failed to find any one in authority. A little before dark the Ninety-third Ohio and Companies I and B, of the One hundred and twenty-fourth, seeing the left give way, and supposing that the whole line had been ordered back fell back with them and reformed with the brigade which had been relieved and ordered to the rear. Not receiving any order myself, I maintained my present position with the rest of my battalion until 7.30 o'clock; when it becoming quite dark, and feeling apprehensive that should the enemy make an offensive movement, the position could not be held, I started myself to report the situation, but had just reached the rear when the rebels suddenly and in large force attacked the battalion, which, seeing that it would be impossible to maintain their position, fell back before them into the new line already established, where the battalion was collected and placed in position on the line, not being again engaged while the enemy occupied the position in our front, though constantly under fire, on account of the close proximity of the lines. This attack, though unsuccessful, was made by the battalion with spirit and marked bravery, and I venture to say no more honest or bold attempt to carry the enemy's works has occurred during the campaign. Every officer and enlisted man in this battalion, as far as my observation extended, behaved with great gallantry, and if valor and heroism could have gained the point would most assuredly have succeeded. At no time did the battalion become in the least disorganized, and had orders reached me at the same time the brigade received them to retire, the battalion could have withdrawn in order, bringing off all its wounded and dead, as it was some were of necessity left on the field.

In the operations of the day the Ninety third Sustained a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded and 6 missing. One hundred and twenty-fourth, 1 officer killed, 3 mortally wounded, and 3 severely wounded, 14 enlisted men killed, 41 wounded and 10 missing. The loss in officers to the One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio was irreparable. Maj. Hampson, temporarily serving on the staff of the general commanding the division, an officer, who by his kind disposition, dash, and efficiency, as well as possessing all those finer qualities which distinguish one officer above another, had become greatly beloved axed endeared to the regiment, was mortally wounded early in the morning while superintending the construction of epaulments to a battery. Lieut.-Col. Pickands, commanding the regiment, was severely wounded and his distinguished services taken away from the regiment for the rest of the campaign. Capt. Irwin and Lieut. Waldo, model soldiers, whose bravery had been conspicuous on every battle-field the regiment had been engaged in, were mortally wounded; Lieut. Stedman, a stranger to fear, killed; Lieut. McGinnis, a very gallant officer, severely wounded, and Capt. Wilson, slightly wounded.

On the night of June 5, the enemy evacuating the position in our front, the battalion at daylight occupied their works, and following them up to within three miles of Acworth, went into camp, where it remanded until the morning of the 10th, when it took up position confronting the enemy at Pine Knob. On the 15th the enemy evacuated our immediate front. The Ninety-third Ohio was thrown out as skirmishers, drove in the enemy's pickets, and took up position within a few hundred yards of their works. On the morning of the 17th, the works in our front being evacuated, I was ordered to develop their position; threw out a few companies of the Ninety-third as skirmishers, advanced about two miles, driving in the enemy's skirmish line and establishing our line about 1,000 yards from their works. During the day the Ninety-third sustained a loss of 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. On the night of the 10th the enemy evacuated our front, falling back to their last line in front of Marietta. On the following morning a skirmish line from the One hundred and twenty-fourth was advanced, driving the enemy into their works. On the 21st the battalion was moved to the right, and relieved a battalion of the Twentieth Army Corps. On the 23d the Ninety-third, deployed as skirmishers, charged and drove back the enemy, advancing our lines about 1,000 yards, with a loss to the Ninety-third of 1 officer killed, 2 enlisted men killed, and 37 enlisted men wounded. The battalion was no further engaged, with the exception of constant picket-firing, in which both battalions suffered, the One hundred and twenty-fourth having 1 officer slightly wounded, until the enemy evacuated their position, which they did the night of July 3. In the pursuit of the enemy to the Chattahoochee River, the One hundred and twenty-fourth, on the morning of the 5th, was deployed as skirmishers, and vigorously pushed the rear guard of the enemy to and across the river, with a loss of 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. On the 12th the battalion crossed the Chattahoochee and took up position on the south side of the river. On the 17th the battalion moved down opposite Vining's Station; details from both regiments briskly skirmished with the enemy without loss. That evening the battalion returned to its former position. From the 17th to the 21st of July the battalion was more or less engaged in obtaining the position before Atlanta which it afterward held, with but slight loss, until August 25. On the night of August 25 the battalion joined in the movement to the right and rear of Atlanta; on the 89th ultimo assisting in the destruction of the Montgomery railroad; on the 1st instant marching to Jonesborough, and on the 2d to Lovejoy's Station, where the battalion remained till the night of the 5th, where it joined in the retrograde movement to Atlanta, which place it reached on the 8th instant. But few casualties occurred during this movement, as the battalion was no time engaged.

My thanks are due to Lieut.-Col. Bowman, commanding the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for the able manner in which he handled his regiment; and I desire to make honorable mention of the subordinate, officers of his regiment, as well as those of the One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, all of whom did their duty most gallantly from first to last.

Accompanying this report I send a list, of casualties, to which I call the general's especial attention.

I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant,


Col. 124th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


Asst, Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 3d Div., 4th Army Corps.

List of Casualties of the One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Place.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Date.; KO;; KM;; WO;; WM;; MO;; MM;;; A

Rocky Face Bridge……….. May 9;; ..;; 2;; ..; 12;; ..; ..; 14

Resaca…………………. May 14; ..;; 4;..; 19;; ..; ..; 23

Do…………………….. May 15; ..;; 1;; ..; 10;; ..; ..; 11

Dallas…………………. May 27;; 2;; 13;;; 5;; 41;; ..; 10;; 71

Do…………………….. May 31; ..;; 1;; ..;; 2;; ..; ..;; 3

Do…………………….. June 4; ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Marietta……………….. June 22 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Do…………………….. June 23 ..; ..; ..;; 2;; ..; ..;; 2

Do…………………….. June 24 ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..; ..;; 1

Pace's Ferry……………. July 5; ..;; 1;; ..;; 5;; ..; ..;; 6

Peach Tree Creek………… July 19 ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..; ..;; 1

Do…………………….. July 20 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Lovejoy's………………. Sept. 5 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Total…………………………. 2;; 22;;; 7;; 95;; ..; 10; 136

List of casualties in the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Place.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Date.; KO;; KM;; WO;; WM;; MO;; MM;;; A

Rocky Face Bridge……….. May 9;; ..; ..; ..;; 4;; ..; ..;; 4

Resaca…………………. May 14; ..;; 3;; ..;; 8;; ..; ..; 11

Do…………………….. May 15; ..;; 1;; ..;; 8;; ..; ..;; 9

Dallas…………………. May 27; ..; 11;; ..; 32;; ..;6;; 49

Do…………………….. June 1; ..;; 1;; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 2

Kenesaw………………… June 17 ..;; 1;; ..;; 5;; ..; ..;; 6

Do…………………….. June 23; 1;;; 2;; ..; 37;; ..; ..; 40

Marietta……………….. July 4..; ..; ..;; 3;; ..; ..;; 3

Peach Tree Creek………… July 19 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Atlanta………………… July — ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Lovejoy's………………. Sept. 2 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Do…………………….. Sept. 3 ..; ..; ..;; 1;; ..; ..;; 1

Do…………………….. Sept. 4 ..; ..; ..;; 2;; ..; ..;; 2

Total…………………………. 1;; 19;; .. 104;; ..;; 6; 130

In the autumn of 1864, Confederate John Bell Hood launched an invasion of northern Georgia, northern Alabama, and central Tennessee. Officials dispatched the 124th in pursuit of Hood’s Confederate army. Marching through Gaylesville, Athens, Pulaski, Columbia, and Franklin, the regiment garrisoned the defenses of Nashville, Tennessee. At the Battle of Nashville (December 15 and 16, 1864), the organization assisted Northern soldiers in defeating the Confederates, essentially terminating Hood’s invasion. After this battle, the commanding officer of the 124th issued the following report:

HDQRS. 124TH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, In Camp, near Huntsville, Ala., January 8, 1865.

LIEUT.: I would respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by the One hundred and twenty-fourth Regt. Ohio Foot Volunteers in the recent engagement of December 15 and 16:

Late in the evening of the 14th I received orders to have my regiment in readiness to move at daylight on the following morning. The "general" was sounded at 4 a.m. on the morning of the 15th, and by daylight everything was ready to move out, the baggage packed, and the wagons on the pike. The men were furnished with sixty rounds of ammunition and three days' rations. At about 8 a.m. our line was formed, and we moved by the flank to the right and front of the Acklen place, where we remained inactive for about two hours. We were then moved forward over the works built and previously occupied by the Third Brigade, and went into position, my regiment on the left of second line, with the Fifty-ninth Illinois Volunteers on my right. The regiment was soon ordered forward to the first line, and my regiment moved to the right, so as to cover the center, it being the only regiment on that line. We were then ordered to charge the hill at the brick house, and take the first line of the enemy's works. I followed the movements of the first line at a distance of about fifty yards to their rear. The works were taken by the skirmish line, and the first line advanced to the stone wall, 100 yards to the front. My regiment was ordered into position near the brick house to support a section of Battery M, Fourth U. S. Artillery. We remained here for about two hours, when the first line was moved forward to the crest of a hill in their front, when I was ordered to the stone wall, and placed on the right of the second line with the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry on my left. We had hardly reached the position when the brigade was ordered to charge the second line of the enemy's works. The second line moved promptly forward, but the works were taken before we reached them. We were then ordered forward to the first line with the Companies B and H thrown forward as skirmishers. We remained here but a short time, when we were moved by the flank to the left across the Granny White pike, where we built works and bivouacked for the night. At reveille on the morning of the 16th the troops were formed and stood to arms, and at the break of day were moved by the flank to and along the Franklin pike until we reached the third line of the enemy's works, that had been abandoned by them in the night. Here we went into line on the left of the pike, my regiment in the center, with the Ninety-third Ohio on its right. We remained but a short time, and were moved forward in line to the crest of the hill in front of Overton Hill, where we were ordered to construct a slight work of rails. We were then moved by the flank so as to throw the Ninety-third to the right of the pike, and the right of my regiment resting upon the pike. We found the enemy strongly posted on Overton Hill in strong works with infantry and artillery. The Sixth Ohio Battery was then brought up and placed in my front and opened a heavy fire upon the enemy.

We remained in this position until about 3 p.m., when we were ordered to charge the hill. We moved forward, my regiment on the left of the first line, the Ninety-third on my right, with the Forty-first Ohio as skirmishers. We had hardly crossed our works when the enemy opened upon us with artillery. We moved steadily forward until within about 200 yards of the enemy's works, when the charge was sounded. I never saw men go forward in better style or with more spirit until within a few yards of the abatis in front of the enemy's works, when they met with such a withering fire of artillery and small arms as to check the line and cause the men to take such shelter as they could find. At this time the enemy were re-enforced by one or two lines, and their fire became so heavy that, although re-enforced by our second line it was impossible to go forward; but the men remained firm and returned the enemy's fire until it became unbearable, when the brigade broke and fell back to its former position, where it reformed promptly, my regiment occupying the same ground as before the charge.

My loss in officers was very severe. The regiment went into the charge with 9 officers, out of which 6 were killed or wounded [2 killed and 4 wounded].

We now heard heavy firing on the right, and soon after saw the enemy leaving their works on the hill. The First Brigade was ordered forward, and our brigade followed them, my regiment still occupying the left of the first line. We moved forward in line very rapidly for about two miles, when it became quite dark, and we were ordered into bivouac for the night at Overton Hill.

Corpl. Frank Carr, Company D, recaptured a U. S. guidon from the enemy, which I have already forwarded to corps headquarters.

I respectfully submit a list of casualties.

I am, lieutenant, your most obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. 124th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

Following the Battle of Nashville, the 124th joined the Union pursuit of the retreating Confederates. Upon reaching Huntsville, Alabama, the regiment ended its pursuit and encamped. Eventually authorities ordered the unit to Strawberry Plains, Tennessee and eventually back to Nashville. On July 9, 1865, officials mustered the 124th out of service and ordered the regiment to Camp Taylor at Cleveland, where authorities discharged the unit’s members.

During its term of service, the 124th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry lost eighty-five men, including seven officers, to wounds. An additional 125 soldiers, including one officer, died from disease or accidents.

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