Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 24th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

24th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry


In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Soldiers of Ohio infantry regiments served the Union for varying lengths of time, ranging from one hundred days to three years. One of the three-year regiments was the 24th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Officials recruited the organization from Adams, Columbiana, Coshocton, Highland, Huron, Sandusky, and Trumbull Counties and from the cities of Cleveland, Dayton, Sandusky, and Zanesville. The regiment formed at Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio, on July 25, 1861.

On July 26, 1861, the 24th Ohio departed Columbus for western Virginia, arriving at Cheat Mountain in modern-day West Virginia on August 24, 1861. Officials ordered the Union soldiers at Cheat Mountain, including the 24th Ohio, the 25th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and the 14th Regiment Indiana Infantry, to hold this position at all costs. Numerous skirmishes occurred between the Northerners and nearby Confederate forces, culminating in the Battle of Cheat Mountain on September 12, 1861. Confederate soldiers virtually surrounded the Union camp and launched a surprise attack. Fortunately, breastworks slowed the enemy assault, allowing the Northern soldiers to prepare for battle. After a three-hour fight, the Confederates withdrew.

The 24th next engaged in battle on October 3, 1861 at Greenbrier, Virginia (modern-day West Virginia). This battle did not see a significant loss of life for either side, with no clear winner. After this engagement, the regiment continued its service in the mountains of western Virginia for approximately the next seven weeks.

On November 18, 1861, officials ordered the 24th to Louisville, Kentucky, with the regiment arriving at this location ten days later. Upon reaching Louisville, the 24th Ohio joined the Tenth Brigade, Fourth Division of the Army of the Ohio. The regiment remained at Louisville until February 25, 1862, when the organization moved with the Army of the Ohio to Nashville, Tennessee. The regiment camped at Nashville until March 17, 1862, when the bulk of the Army of the Ohio proceeded to Savannah, Tennessee.

On the march to Savannah, the 24th discovered that the bridge over the Duck River, at Columbia, Tennessee, was no longer standing. At this time, the river was much too high to cross, so the soldiers began rebuilding the bridge, but before the Ohioans could complete the task, the water receded enough to cross. The regiment arrived at Savannah on April 5, 1862. On April 6 and 7, 1862, the Battle of Shiloh raged at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, approximately eleven miles away from Savannah. On the engagement's first day, the 24th marched through thick swampland, arriving at Pittsburg Landing early in the evening. Officials ordered the regiment to engage the enemy, hoping that the Ohioans could help blunt the Confederate assault that had driven the Union army back several miles to the Tennessee River during the course of the day. On the next morning, after much of the Union's Army of the Ohio had arrived on the field, the Northerners launched a counterattack, forcing the Southerners to retreat. In this Union victory, the 24th had four enlisted men killed and twenty-eight more soldiers wounded. After the battle, the 24th's commanding officer issued the following report:


SIR: I submit the following as a report of the part taken by the Twenty-fourth Regt. Ohio Volunteers in the action of the 6th and 7th instant:

We landed at this place about 5.30 p. m. of the 6th, and were immediately formed in line of battle on the river hill. After the repulse of the enemy at this point the regiment was moved by your direction about three-quarters of a mile to the right, and was then ordered by Gen. Grant to advance into the woods a short distance, to ascertain, if possible, the position of the enemy's lines. Having scoured the woods for half a mile to the front, and finding no enemy, and the shells from our gunboats falling but a few feet in front of us, we halted and remained in position until about midnight, when we received your order to rejoin the brigade at the river. The men lay on their arms during the remainder of the night. About daylight of the morning of the 7th we moved forward in line of battle about a mile, the Twenty-fourth on the left of the brigade. We remained in this position for some time, and were then ordered to attack the rebel forces stationed in the woods to our right. The regiment moved quietly forward to the two log houses on the road. As soon as we came within range a heavy fire was opened upon us by two batteries of the enemy's artillery-one on our right beyond the orchard and the other in the woods in front. The men were halted and ordered to lie down, while two companies were deployed as skirmishers to the front, to ascertain, if possible, the position and strength of the enemy, concealed hitherto in the woods.

The skirmishers had advanced but a short distance when the enemy's infantry opened fire upon them. The battalion was immediately formed and the fire returned, and soon became very spirited from both sides. We found the range too great for our muskets, many of the balls striking the ground in front of the enemy, while theirs, fired from the best rifles, flew past us like hail. We moved forward, after a few rounds, to the edge of the woods. The enemy held their ground for some time, but our muskets now told with terrible effect at the short range of 50 or 75 yards, and after a desperate resistance they gave way, falling back to the next ridge, our men following them. A section of Capt. Terrill's regular battery was soon after in position, supported by our regiment, and soon effectually silenced the artillery in front of us. Several prisoners were taken by our men, and a stand of colors, captured by the enemy on the 6th, retaken. We remained in this position for a considerable length of time, keeping up a brisk fire upon the enemy. But having no support, and having pushed our way some distance in the advance of the main line of our army, by your orders we fell back to the fence at the edge of the woods. Maj. A. S. Hall was very severely wounded at this time while bravely discharging his duties, and the regiment was deprived of his valuable services during the remainder of the action. Capt. Terry, Company G, took charge of the left wing during the remainder of the day. The Thirty-sixth Indiana had previously formed on our left and engaged the enemy. The fighting was continued at this point for a considerable length of time, when we were again ordered forward, the Fourteenth Iowa on our right and the Thirty-sixth Indiana on our left. We advanced, but the enemy had withdrawn from the field, and we saw no more of them during the day. The officers and men, with but few exceptions, behaved well during the engagement. I return herewith a list of the killed and wounded and missing from our regiment.

I am, sir, with the greatest respect, your obedient servant,

FRED. C. JONES, Lieut.-Col. Twenty-fourth Regt. Ohio Volunteers.

Col. JACOB AMMEN, Comdg. Tenth Brigade, Fourth Division, Army of the Ohio.

The Northern force remained at Pittsburg Landing for the next several weeks recuperating from the Battle of Shiloh. In late April, the Union advanced upon Corinth, Mississippi, an important railroad junction. Beginning on April 29, 1862, Union forces, including the 24th Ohio, besieged the Confederate garrison, until forcing the enemy to withdraw on May 30, 1862. Falling Corinth's occupation, the 24th Ohio spent the remainder of the summer of 1862 marching through northern Mississippi, northern Alabama, and southern Tennessee, driving out Confederate forces. In July, the regiment encamped at McMinnville, Tennessee, where the organization performed garrison duty and conducted periodic excursions into the surrounding countryside.

On September 3, 1862, the 24th joined the Army of the Ohio's pursuit of Confederate General Braxton Bragg's army, which had launched an invasion of Kentucky and was threatening Ohio's southern border. The Union army beat the Confederates to Louisville and, after several weeks of rest, advanced against the Southerners. On October 8, 1862, the Army of the Ohio engaged Bragg's Confederates at the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky. The 24th served on the extreme Union right in this engagement and saw no combat. As a result of this battle, the Confederates withdrew from Kentucky. The Army of the Ohio briefly pursued the enemy, before marching to Nashville, Tennessee and entering camp.

While at Nashville, illness rampaged through the 24th Ohio, leaving the regiment with just thirteen officers and 340 enlisted men available for duty. In late December 1862, now assigned to the Fourth Division, Twenty-first Army Corps of the Army of the Cumberland, the 24th joined this army's advance upon Bragg's Army of Tennessee, which was situated at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. At the Battle of Stones River, the two armies clashed from December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863. The 24th engaged the enemy each day of the battle, losing nearly twenty-five percent of the organization's men killed or wounded. After this Union victory, the 24th's commanding officer issued the following report:


SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Twenty-fourth Ohio Regt. in the recent battles before Murfreesborough, Tenn., of December 31, 1862, and January 2, 1863:

Our regiment being one of the five regiments composing the Tenth Brigade, commanded by Col. William Grose, of the Thirty-sixth Indiana Regiment, numbered on the morning of December 31, 1862, 314 enlisted men and 14 commissioned officers (Company A being detached, and was not with the regiment), Col. Frederick C. Jones commanding, Maj. Henry Terry acting lieutenant-colonel, Capt. Enoch Weller acting major, Adjt. H. Y. Graham, Capt. A. T. M. Cockerill, commanding Company D; Capt. George M. Bacon, commanding Company E; Lieut. Charles R. Harman, commanding Company F; Lieut. Benjamin J. Horton, commanding Company I; Lieut. D. W. C. Wadsworth commanding Company C; Lieut. William C. Beck, Company C; Lieut. Jacob Diehl, commanding Company H; Lieut. August Draeger, Company H; Lieut. John Acker, commanding Company G, and Lieut. Isaac N. Dryden, commanding Company B.

Early in the morning of the 31st ultimo heavy artillery and musketry firing was distinctly heard on our right, and as the sound neared our position it was evident that our forces were falling back, and our position in danger of being flanked, when our front was immediately changed to the left and rear, immediately in rear of the Sixth Ohio, which had now become earnestly engaged with the enemy, who was under cover of thick woods. We immediately moved forward to support the Sixth, and were ordered to lie down in the open space, about 50 paces in their rear, being much exposed to a galling fire of rebel infantry.

The deadly fire of the enemy in superior numbers was moving down the ranks of the gallant Sixth, and they were compelled to fall back. Col. Jones now ordered the regiment to fall back, which was done in good order. We halted at about 150 paces, and lay down to await the enemy's approach from the cover of the woods into the open space that separated us. On they came like a tornado that would destroy everything in its path. Encouraged by their success in driving the forces upon our right, they charged upon a battery lying upon our right, belonging to Gen. Rousseau's command, when almost simultaneously our forces lying in their front opened upon them with a tremendous fire from our infantry and artillery, moving them down almost by ranks, causing dismay and confusion, when they broke and fled in disorder to the cover of woods from which they had but just emerged.

We had rested but a few minutes after this terrible encounter, when an orderly of the gallant Gen. Palmer delivered orders for us to move double-quick to the support of the Nineteenth Brigade (Col. Hazen's), which was at this time gallantly resisting a furious charge of the rebel hordes in an open cotton-field on our left. We almost instantly formed on their right in the field, with Lieut. Parsons' Fourth (Regular) Battery on our right. We remained in this position about one hour and a half, amid the most terrible shower of ball and shell, encouraged by the cool and daring courage of our brigade commander, who was apparently omnipresent, watching the movements of the enemy and issuing his orders in person, when we were ordered to fall back to the turnpike, where another stand was made.

We had remained in this position but a few minutes, exposed to a severe cross-fire of the enemy, when Col. Jones was mortally wounded and carried from the field. The command now devolved upon Maj. Henry Terry, who displayed great coolness and bravery during the brief period he was permitted to command. Our position at this time was very much exposed, and it was here that the regiment suffered most. Maj. Terry was struck in the head and mortally wounded by a fragment of shell; Lieut. Charles R. Harman was almost instantly killed, and Lieut. Benjamin J. Horton had his leg fractured so severely that amputation was necessary. Capt. Enoch Weller now assumed command assisted by me when our ammunition being exhausted, the regiment was relieved, and retired to the rear to replenish our cartridge-boxes, and again moved forward under cover of a cluster of timber, where we remained until dark, under a terrible and dangerous fire of the enemy's artillery, directed at some batteries upon our right and left, which wounded several of our men.

Night closed the terrible carnage, and we retired to the rear to prepare some refreshments and received some rest, which was so much needed after the fatigues of the day. After resting January 1, on the morning of January 2 our regiment, with the brigade, moved across the river to support the division of Gen. Van Cleve, which was alone on that side of the river. We prepared a small protection by removing the rail from an adjoining fence and constructing a slight breastwork, where we remained until about 3 p.m., when the enemy made a desperate charge upon the division of Gen. Van Cleve, and being in such force they were compelled to give way, our position being in the rear and on the left of Van Cleve, immediately behind the Twenty-third Kentucky Regiment, which formed the advance of our brigade, the Thirty-sixth Indiana, Sixth Ohio, and Eighty-fourth Illinois being immediately in our rear. The forces of Van Cleve were retreating in confusion, running directly over our artificial covering, drawing the fire of the enemy directly toward us.

Capt. Weller, commanding the regiment displayed great coolness and bravery, ordering us to hold our position. The enemy were now rushing wildly and madly on, and were near flanking our position, when Capt. Weller was instantly killed. The regiment now retired in confusion under cover of some buildings and timber, when the Thirty-sixth Indiana, Sixth Ohio, and Eighty-fourth Illinois Regiments poured in such deadly volleys of musketry, causing a check in the enemy's advance, when the regiment rallied and again went gallantly into the fight with her colors in the front. The command now devolving upon me, the regiment was brought back and bivouacked with the brigade upon the spot that but a few moments before had been the scene of havoc and death.

At 3 a.m. the 3d instant I moved the regiment to the front on picket duty, and remained until 12 m., when were relieved and retired across the river, which was waist-deep to the men.

Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the heroic and gallant officers who sacrificed their lives in the late bloody encounters; they were true and brave men. What more can be said?

Great praise is due personally to Capt. George M. Bacon, Lieut.'s Dryden, Horton, Diehl, Draeger, Wadsworth, Beck, and Adjutant Graham, for gallant and efficient services rendered during the entire engagement displaying that coolness and bravery so necessary in such emergencies.

The non-commissioned officers of the regiment performed well their part of the drama, several of the companies being commanded by first sergeants, who bravely and ably performed the tasks assigned them. Our killed and wounded were promptly cared for by the corps of musicians under directions of Dr. Orr, of the Thirty-sixth Indiana Regiment, who manifested great zeal and energy in having them comfortably provided for and dressing their wounds.

I cannot omit to notice that the gallant behavior of the regiment is attributable to the brave example of our gallant brigade commander, whose brave and heroic daring on the field of Shiloh was still fresh in their memories. Also Brig.-Gen. Palmer, whose simplicity of cool and daring courage upon the field, cannot fail to inspire the men with confidence in their commanders.

The command devolving upon me when the last engagements of December 31 and January 2.

Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing is as follows: Commissioned officers killed, 4; wounded, 4. Enlisted men killed, 10; mortally wounded, 6; severely wounded, 62; missing, 12. Total killed, wounded, and missing, 98. Besides the foregoing, there are 20 slightly wounded, but not disabled for duty.

I have the honor to be, respectfully, sir, you obedient servant,

A. T. M. COCKERILL, Capt., Cmdg. Twenty-fourth Ohio Regt.

Capt. R. SOUTHGATE, Acting Asst. Adjt. Gen., Tenth Brig. Fourth Div.

Following the Battle of Stones River, the 24th Ohio remained encamped in the vicinity of Murfreesboro, participating in a few excursions to drive Confederate forces from the region and also to collect forage. On one such expedition, on January 28, 1863, the regiment engaged Confederate forces in a small skirmish at Woodbury, Tennessee. In late June 1863, the Army of the Cumberland, including the 24th, embarked upon the Tullahoma Campaign (June 24-July 3, 1863), a Union advance into southern Tennessee and northern Alabama. Upon the campaign's conclusion, the regiment encamped at Manchester, Tennessee, where the organization performed garrison duty.

In early September 1863, the 24th departed Manchester and embarked upon the Army of the Cumberland's advance into northern Georgia. The regiment skirmished repeatedly with Confederate forces belonging to General Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee. On September 19 and 20, 1863, the two armies fought the Battle of Chickamauga. The 24th remained engaged both days, primarily serving on the Union's left flank. Late on the fight's second day, Confederate forces flanked the Union left, prompting the regiment to flee. On the evening of September 20, the entire Army of the Cumberland withdrew to Chattanooga, Tennessee. After this battle, the 24th's commanding officer issued the following report:

CAMP TWENTY-FOURTH OHIO, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report the following marches and engagements in which my command has borne a part since September 4, 1863, together with a list of casualties which have occurred during that time:

This command being detached as escort to wagon train crossed the Tennessee River with 19 commissioned officers and 310 enlisted men. Of these 27 were detailed in quartermastter's department and as company cooks, and 6 sick, leaving an effective force of 277 enlisted men and 19 commissioned officers.

Rejoining the brigade on the morning of the 5th September, we marched by the way of Nickajack and Squirreltown Creek to within 10 miles of Chattanooga.

On the morning of the 9th September, the Twenty-fourth Ohio, Twenty-third Kentucky, and Eighty-fourth Illinois Regt.s, under your command, made a reconnaissance of Mount Lookout by a steep bridle-path, the Twenty-fourth Ohio in advance. Reached the top at 6 a. m., my skirmishers meeting and driving in the enemy's cavalry pickets. There we received orders to march upon Chattanooga. This we did, meeting no enemy, he having evacuated that place the night previous. WE camped at Rossville, where we were joined by the remainder of the brigade.

On the 10th, advanced on the road to Ringgold, skirmishing with the enemy and passing Graysville, reaching Ringgold, in conjunction with the whole of Second Division, on the 11th.

From the 12th to the 18th, were engaged in daily skirmishing with the enemy, feeling for his position and strength, in the neighborhood of Gordon's Mills.

On the morning of the 19th, the enemy showed himself in strong force in the Chickamauga Valley, north of Gordon's Mills. The army was put in motion to meet him, my command, a part of your brigade, receiving and returning a heavy fire throughout the day, never shrinking from the deadly contest except when outnumbered and crushed by mere weight of numbers. The battle was renewed on the 20th, and fought gallantly, when, after repeated successes and repulses, the Twenty-fourth Ohio being on the extreme left, was crushed, and with other regiments of the brigade was forced to give way, torn and bleeding at every part. The whole loss of this regiment is 3 commissioned officers wounded, 3 enlisted men killed, and 57 wounded, and 16 missing. The heaviest loss was on the 19th, and yet as severe fire was received on the 20th.

My present command is, for duty, commissioned officers, 15; enlisted men, 184; aggregate, 199. Enlisted men sick, 7; present, detailed, 30. Total aggregate present, 236. Loss: Commissioned officers wounded, 3; surgeon, in hands of enemy, 1; enlisted men killed, 3; enlisted men wounded, 57; enlisted men absent without leave, 9; enlisted men missing in action, 16; enlisted men sent to hospital, 4; Aggregate, 93.

Where all did their duty so faithfully it would seem invidious to mention particular cases. The brave Capt. Wadsworth fell in the action of the 20th, pierced with two balls, and was captured by the enemy. Capt. Dryden and Lieut. McCoy, equally as brave, were borne from the field severely wounded. When the gallant Corporal Ogle, who bore the regimental colors, fell, Corpl. D. A. Leimin seized and bore them safely from the field.

A list of the killed, wounded, and missing appended. Respectfully submitted.

DAVID J. HIGGINS, Col., Comdg. Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Col. W. GROSE, Comdg. Third Brigade.

At Chattanooga, Bragg's Confederate army besieged the Union garrison from late September to late November 1863. For most of the siege, the 24th remained on the Union right. On November 24, 1863, the regiment participated in the Battle of Lookout Mountain, helping the North to drive enemy soldiers from this vantage point. On the following day, the 24th fought in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, driving Bragg's remaining soldiers from the ridge, attaining a Union victory, and ending the Chattanooga Campaign. After the siege, the 24th's commanding officer issued the following report:

HDQRS. TWENTY-FOURTH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Whiteside's, Tennessee, December 3, 1863.

CAPT.: I have the honor to herewith transmit the following report concerning the part my regiment took during the capture of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge:

On the 23d day of November, 1863, in pursuance to an order from brigade headquarters, my regiment left its camp at Whiteside's, Tennessee, and proceeded on the Chattanooga road to the front of Lookout Mountain, near the headquarters of Maj.-Gen. Hooker, and encamped there for the night.

On the morning of the 24th, the regiment took up it line of march and advanced to Lookout Creek, in front of the enemy's rifle-pits. Two of my companies were thrown out as skirmishers by order of Col. Grose, commanding brigade, while the regiment followed up, crossing a slough of Chattanooga Creek, to support the skirmishers, who became engaged with the enemy on the opposite bank of the said creek. Col. Grose then ordered me to throw up breastworks, in order to shelter my men from the enemy's fire, which was kept up briskly by the enemy and vigorously replied to by my men. After engaging the enemy about an hour, Col. Grose ordered me to rejoin the brigade. The brigade moved forward, taking a circuitous route, crossed Lookout Creek, formed a line of battle, and moved forward as fast as the nature of the ground would admit, driving the enemy before us. After the brigade reached the intrenchments of the enemy it halted, and, being exposed to a constant fire of the enemy, Col. Grose ordered me to change the position of my regiment, and I accordingly moved about 200 yards and took a position on a ridge, in the rear of the enemy's intrenchments, and threw up breastworks in order to shelter my men from the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters, two companies being sent out in the meantime to guard our rear and watch the movements of the enemy. After remaining in this position until dark, Col. Grose ordered me to the front to relieve the Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, which had expended its ammunition. I held the position until the regiment exhausted its ammunition, and was relieved by the Fourth Iowa about midnight.

My regiment had 4 men wounded during the time it occupied the position held previously by the Fifty-ninth Illinois Regiment, the names of which are annexed to this report.

On the morning of the 25th, my regiment left Lookout Mountain with the brigade, which crossed Chattanooga Valley and participated in the capture of Missionary Ridge.

My regiment marched with the brigade from Missionary Ridge on the morning of the 26th, and arrived at Ringgold, Ga., on the 27th. The brigade left Ringgold on the same day on a reconnoitering expedition, returning to the said place on the evening of the said day, and remained at Ringgold until the evening of the 30th. Left Ringgold on the night of the 30th, and encamped on Chickamauga Creek, near the battle-ground.

On the morning of the 1st of December, my regiment followed the brigade and marched to the battle-ground of Chickamauga, where it assisted in burying the dead, who were left exposed by the enemy since the battle on the 19th and 20th days of September, 1863.

After remaining on the battle-field nearly all day attending to the duty assigned to my regiment by Col. Grose, we were ordered back and arrived at our old camp at Whiteside's, Tennessee, on the evening of the 2d of December.

The conduct of officers and enlisted men of my regiment was all that could be expected. Orders were obeyed and promptly executed, and order and decorum prevailed during the affair, officers and men having the utmost confidence in their brigade commander, Col. William Grose.

The following is a list of casualties:

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

GEORGE M. BACON, Capt., Cmdg. Twenty-fourth Ohio.

Capt. WEST, A. A. A. G., Third Brig., First Div., Fourth Army Corps.

The 24th next pursued the retreating Confederates to Ringgold, Georgia, before returning to the vicinity of Chattanooga and entering camp at Blue Springs, Tennessee. At this location, officials placed the regiment in the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps of the Army of the Cumberland.

During January and February 1864, the 24th participated on several excursions into northern Georgia. The first one occurred on January 28, 1864. The regiment advanced to Tunnel Hill, engaging a Confederate force in a skirmish, before returning to Blue Springs. On February 15, 1864, the 24th advanced again to Tunnel Hill, before proceeding to Dalton on February 24, 1864 and Rocky Face Ridge on the following day. The regiment engaged Confederate forces multiple times on this excursion. Upon returning to camp at Blue Springs, the 24th's commanding officer issued the following report:

HDQRS. TWENTY-FOURTH REGT. OHIO VOLS., Blue Springs, Tenn., February 29, 1864.

LIEUT.: I have the honor to report the part taken by my command, together with the casualties therein, in the recent movements before Dalton:

The regiment marched from its present camp on the morning of the 22d instant in obedience to orders from headquarters Third Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, with an effective force of 180 enlisted men and 13 commissioned officers. I was compelled to leave in camp 40 men, who were unable to march for the want of shoes.

The regiment remained with the brigade on the 22d and 23d, during which days nothing occurred outside the usual line of duty connected with the march.

On the morning of the 24th, this regiment was in the advance, and two companies were deployed as skirmishers, though we did not meet with any resistance, and continued to march until we reached the cavalry command of Col. Long, who then took the advance, and, coming up to the enemy, engaged him. I was then directed to take my position on the right of the brigade, on the ridge fronting the valley. After remaining in line of battle a short time, I was ordered to advance down the road into the valley to the support of Col. Long, and again took position on the right, near the brick building known as Ault's house. While in this position I sent forward a company as skirmishers, who fired a few shots at the enemy's advance. When ordered to withdraw, I left two companies in the valley to cover the movements on the road, and they rejoined the regiment after it went into camp.

On the morning of the 25th, the regiment marched in rear of the brigade. Afterward, when formed in line of battle, it was placed in the second line and in rear of the Seventy-fifth Illinois. Before advancing I had my men replenish their ammunition to 60 rounds per man. When the order to advance was given the regiment moved in the same order as designated in line of battle. During the halt, which was made near where the road passes into the valley, we were exposed to the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters, who were on our right and front. While in this position I had 3 men wounded. In the next advance I moved across the road on the western slope of the hill and halted, the left resting on the summit of the hill. While in this position the command became considerably exposed to the fire of the enemy's guns. I then moved to the right so that my right rested at the base of the hill, on the left of the road, and about 200 yards in advance of Davis' house. Before changing to my late position I had 9 men [all of Company B] disabled by the falling of a tree, which was cut off by a shell from the enemy's guns. I remained in the position to which I last moved until ordered to retire with the brigade, and marched in rear of the Thirtieth Indiana.

In the engagement of the 25th the regiment did not fire a single shot, being in the rear line throughout the whole day.

Nothing transpired of note after the 25th, and the regiment remained with the brigade, returning to its present camp on the afternoon of the 28th.

It is only necessary to state that the conduct of both officers and men were alike, each faithfully performing their various duties throughout the entire march.

The casualties of the regiment were as follows: All of which I respectfully submit.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. T. M. COCKERILLL, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt.

Lieut. JAMES McC. PRESTON, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Third Brigade.

In April 1864, officials ordered the 24th Ohio to Chattanooga. Having completed its three-year term of service, on June 15, 1864, the regiment departed this city for Columbus, Ohio. The 24th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry officially mustered out of service on July 24, 1864 at Columbus. The men of Company D reenlisted and served as veteran volunteers for the duration of the war. At the end of the regiment's service, the 24th's commanding officer, Colonel A.T.M. Cockerill, presented the organization's colors to the State of Ohio. In response to this gesture, Governor John Brough proclaimed:

Colonel Officers and Soldiers of the Twenty Fourth:

I thank you in behalf of the people of the State of Ohio, not only for the colors, but for having borne them so nobly and gallantly as you have throughout the three years' service. They come worn and tattered; but there is not a rent in them that is not honorable, and an emblem of your bravery and gallantry. No regiment that has gone from Ohio has endured hardships with greater cheerfulness or more nobly discharged its duty. Yes, Sir [turning to the colonel], no matter what the future may bring forth, no regiment can occupy a better position than the one you have had the honor to command. I shall place these banners in the archives of the State as historic mementoes worthy of any people. Again, soldiers, I thank you.

During the 24th Ohio's term of service, sixty-eight men, including six officers, died from wounds received on the battlefield. An additional 108 men, including two officers, died from disease or accidents.

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