Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 4th Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Infantry Companies D and K

4th Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Infantry Companies D and K

Companies D and K of the 4th Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Infantry was mustered into service on March 12, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio. Ninety-nine Ohioans served in Company D, while ninety-nine also served in Company K.

Companies D and K of the 4th Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Infantry was mustered into service on March 12, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio. Ninety-nine Ohioans served in Company D, while ninety-nine also served in Company K. The enlistees were primarily veterans of the American Civil War. While some had been honorably discharged, others had recuperated from wounds received on the battlefield and joined these new companies in March 1865. A few men were also new recruits.. The soldiers' term of service was one year. The soldiers saw no combat during the Civil War and spent the last few months of the war in the vicinity of New York City.
