Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 64th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

64th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry


In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Soldiers of Ohio infantry regiments served the Union for varying lengths of time, ranging from one hundred days to three years. One of the three-year regiments was the 64th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Volunteers from Mansfield, Ohio formed the 64th Ohio, which mustered into service on November 1, 1861 at Camp Buckingham, at Mansfield.

The 64th departed Camp Buckingham in mid-December 1861, traveling via railroad to Cincinnati, Ohio and, next, via boat to Louisville, Kentucky. Upon arriving in Kentucky, the regiment marched via Bardstown, Kentucky and Danville, Kentucky to Hall's Gap, where where the organization built corduroy roads.

In late January 1862, the 64th advanced to Bowling Green, Kentucky, then to Munfordsville, Kentucky, before marching to Nashville, Tennessee. At Nashville, the regiment joined T.J. Wood's division of the Army of the Ohio. In late March, the Army of Ohio sailed to Savannah, Tennessee. The command reached Savannah on the morning of April 7, 1862, the second day of the Battle of Shiloh, which was raging at Pittsburg Landing, seven miles away. The 64th sailed to the scene of the battle, arriving late in the morning of April 7. Only Company A of the regiment managed to attack the retreating Confederates.

Following the Battle of Shiloh, the 64th helped bury the bodies of dead soldiers, gathered up supplies, and conducted picket duties. In late April 1862, the regiment joined the Northern advance upon Corinth, Mississippi, an important railroad junction. Union forces besieged this community beginning on April 29, 1862 and finally drove off the Confederate defenders on May 30, 1862.

Following the Union's seizure of Corinth, the 64th Regiment marched through Iuka, Mississippi and the Alabama communities of Tuscumbia, Decatur, Huntsville, and Stevenson. At Stevenson, the 64th helped construct Fort Harker. At the beginning of August 1862, the regiment returned to Nashville, Tennessee, before marching into Kentucky in pursuit of Confederate General Braxton Bragg's invading army. At Munfordsville, the 64th engaged in a stiff skirmish with an enemy force, driving the Confederates across the Green River. The 64th reached Louisville before the Rebel force, protecting the city from Confederate attack.

The Army of Ohio departed Louisville in late September 1862, in pursuit of Bragg's Southerners.

The regiment was present at the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky (October 8, 1862), but the organization remained in reserve and saw no combat. Following this Union victory, the regiment joined the Union's pursuit of the retreating Confederates, marching through the Kentucky communities of Wild Cat, Stamford, and Scottsville and Gallatin, Tennessee, before entering camp along the Nolinsville Turnpike, three miles from Nashville.

In late December 1862, the 64th Ohio joined in the Army of the Cumberland's assault against Bragg's Confederates at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. From December 29, 1862 to January 2, 1863, the Battle of Stones River raged. The 64th originally was stationed on the Union left, with the Confederates repulsing these Northerners when they launched an assault across Stones River. On the battle's second day, the regiment moved to the Union right to help bolster the Northerners' wavering line. The organization returned to the command's original position for the engagement's final day. Of the 64th's three hundred members available for duty at Stones River, seventy of these soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle. After this engagement, the regiment's commanding officer issued the following report:


SIR: I have the honor herewith to report the number of killed, wounded and missing in this command, from December 27, 1862 to January 3, 1863, inclusive, so far as can be ascertained from company commanders now present.

The command arrived on the south bank of Stone's River on the evening of December 29, 1862, and crossed to the opposite or Murfreesborough side after nightfall on the same evening, and formed as reserve to the remainder of the Twentieth Brigade. Recrossed the river during the same night, and next morning, while on duty on the front, had 1 man killed by the enemy.

On the morning of the 31st was ordered from the left to the right of the line, and occupied the second line on the right. It was discovered that the enemy was approaching on the left flank; I ordered the command forward on tenth company, and, by order, fixed bayonets and successfully drove them for some distance, when the command became isolated and was ordered to fall back.

Among the casualties of officers of my command, I seriously regret the loss of Capt. Joseph B. Sweet, who fell while bravely leading his company into the thickest of the engagement. As an officer and true and devoted soldier, Capt. Sweet bore the well-merited love and respect of all those who knew him. Having adopted military life as a profession, and for a long time served in the regular army, he was proficient in all the high qualifications that pertained to his calling. In him his country and cause have lost a brave and patriotic officer. Of those wounded, honorable mention is justly due to First Lieut.'s Warner Young and Joseph B. Ferguson, and First Lieut. and Regimental Adjt. Chauncey Woodruff, all of whom exerted themselves to their utmost to press forward their respective commands to the charge, and only ceased their labors when overcome by the exhaustion occasioned by their wounds. I learn with pleasure that, although seriously, none were mortally wounded.

The officers who survived the battle did honor to the State they hail from and the cause they nobly fought for. Of those who commanded companies, the names of each can be honorably mentioned in justice to them: Capt. R. C. Brown, of Company C; First Lieut.'s Samuel Wolf, of Company A, and Henry H. Kling, of Company D; Second Lieut.'s Norman K. Brown, Company F, and T. Eugene Tillotson, Company B; and First Sergts. James L. Hall, of Company G, and David Cumins, of Company H; also Lieut. George R. Hall, of Company K, and Sergeants Kuneman and Holden, of Companies I and E, respectively, who commanded the companies to which they were attached, after their immediate commanders had been either killed or wounded; also Second Lieut. Thomas E. Ehlers, who assisted in the command of Company A. The above-named officers did their duty regardless of the danger to which they were exposed at every step while gallantly leading their men forward to meet and charge the enemy.

The file-closers, without exception, manfully stood up to their work, and I cannot, in justice to them all, single out any one for special subject of remark, and too much praise cannot be attached to their patriotism and heroic military bearing. The men in the ranks all did their duty, and did it well, and they are heroes, all.

While we deeply regret and truly sympathize with the friends of those who were either killed or wounded, we are, as they can be, consoled with the thought that they all fell while bravely battling for their country's right and the overthrow of rebellion.

ALEXANDER McILVAIN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Col. C. G. HARKER, Cmdg. Twentieth Brigade.

The 64th remained in Murfreesboro for the next six months, when the organization departed upon General William S. Rosecrans's on the Tullahoma Campaign. In June 1863, the Union force advanced into southern Tennessee and northern Alabama against Confederate General Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee. Upon the campaign's conclusion, the regiment marched to Chattanooga, Tennessee before advancing with the Army of the Cumberland to Chickamauga, Georgia.

From September 19-20, 1863, the 64th Ohio participated in the Battle of Chickamauga, with the regiment losing approximately one hundred men killed, wounded, or captured. The regiment's commanding officer issued the following report regarding the battle:


SIR: I have the honor to report to you the part my regiment took in the advance on Chattanooga and subsequently, up to the time it occupied its present position. The command, consisting of 27 officers and 296 men, crossed the Tennessee River at Shellmound on the afternoon of September 3, where it remained until noon of the 5th. It then marched with the brigade toward Chattanooga 8 miles and bivouacked for the night.

On the morning of the 6th, resumed the march in the following order: Third Kentucky, One hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, Sixty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, a section of Sixth Ohio Battery, and Sixty-fourth Ohio Volunteers. The command marched about 9 miles, but had no part in clearing the obstructions interposed by the enemy during the day. In the course of the night, the command was retired about 2 miles to a more advantageous position.

On the 7th, the regiment accompanied the brigade on the reconnaissance toward Chattanooga, in rear and supporting the section of the Sixth Ohio Battery, except Companies E and K, in charge of Lieut.-Col. Brown, who were detached toward Kelley's Ford to guard the left flank from an attack. The command, though exposed at times to the enemy's fire without having an opportunity of returning it, manifested the utmost willingness to discharge whatever duty was assigned it throughout the expedition.

On the 8th, remained in camp.

On the 9th, marched into Chattanooga.

On the 1Oth, marched 9 miles toward Ringgold.

On the 11th, returned 4 miles to Rossville and marched to Lee's Mills, 13 miles from Chattanooga, on the La Fayette road. During this advance, in the face of the enemy's skirmishers, my regiment had the right of the road, Companies G and K, in command of Lieut.-Col. Brown, as skirmishers. The troops during this severe march suffered greatly from heat and thirst, but the conduct of the men during this hazardous advance was praiseworthy.

On the 12th, lay at the ford near the mills.

On the 13th, worded at breastworks on the river bank.

On the 14th, made a reconnaissance with the One hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers about 2 miles toward La Fayette. During this expedition, Companies D and I, under Lieut.-Col. Brown, were deployed as skirmishers, but only met with slight resistance. Joseph Laloe, of Company I, was severely wounded by a musket-ball in the arm.

On the 15th, and 17th, the command remained measurably quiet, but on the 18th, was ordered into line to defend the crossing at the mills, and remained there during the day and following night. Andrew Laird, of Company A, in charge of an ambulance, was shot in the foot, similar to a shot received at Stone's River in the same foot. Nothing further occurred to the regiment until 3 p. m. of the 19th, when it was ordered to the left about 2 miles. My command, being placed on the right in the front line, advanced into the woods, soon encountered a considerable body of the enemy, apparently somewhat detached from their main line. I immediately engaged them, and after a brisk fight of nearly half an hour, they fled in confusion, leaving in our hands about 20 prisoners, a majority of whom subsequently escaped by the mistake of those having them in charge taking the wrong direction to find the rear. The regiment soon after joined the brigade, from which it had been separated in the temporary confusion of establishing our lines under a heavy fire. In this contest, my regiment lost 5 wounded and 3 missing, 2 of whom were in charge of prisoners.

On Sunday, the 20th, the regiment moved with the brigade, and with it fought wherever and whenever an opportunity offered in the execution of its orders. On three several occasions, it was exposed to a severe fire from a greatly superior force of the enemy, and on each occasion behaved with great coolness and bravery.

The loss of the day was 1 captain killed, 1 captain wounded and left upon the field, 1 lieutenant wounded; 7 men killed, 43 wounded, and 10 missing. In the death of Capt. Ziegler the regiment has lost a brave and good officer, and the army one of its speech and had Samuel A. Hayes, of Company F, who had lost his speech and had not spoken a word for nearly six months, on seeing a rebel fall that he shot at, exclaimed in a clear voice, "I've hit him!" and after that talked freely, being greatly rejoiced at his fortune. The brave fellow was later in the day wounded and left on the field.

On the evening of this eventful, the regiment fell back in good order to Rossville, and on the following day, took a position on Missionary Ridge, where it remained till the night of the 21st, when it moved to its present position, and has since been engaged in the defenses of the situation.

The colonel commanding in submitting this imperfect review of a campaign crowded with extraordinary incidents and gallant exploits, feels his inability to do justice to the endurance, courage, and unsurpassed bravery of those in his command who have so nobly sustained the honor of their State and flag, through such a severe ordeal, but he would beg leave to assure you that the regiment has, scarcely without an exception justified the high expectations of its friends and country.

Your most obedient servant,


Col. C. G. HARKER, Comdg. Third Brigade.

As a result of this Union defeat at Chickamauga, the Army of the Cumberland retreated to Chattanooga, where the Army of Tennessee besieged the beleaguered Northerners. On November 25, 1863, the 64th participated in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, driving the Confederates from the high ground east of Chattanooga and ending the siege of this Tennessee city. The regiment's commanding officer issued the following report regarding the battle:

HDQRS. SIXTY-FOURTH OHIO VOLUNTEERS INFANTRY, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 27, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to submit, through Col. Opdycke, commanding demi-brigade, of the Third Brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, the following report of my regiment, since the morning of the 23d of the present month:

In obedience to orders from Col. Harker, the command, with 18 commissioned officers and 208 men, advanced in connection with the brigade to the front, and assisted in erecting a temporary breastwork until 11 p.m., when it was ordered by Col. Opdycke to the front on picket duty, and there remained until 10 a.m. of the 24th. It was then relieved by the One hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and returned to the line of reserves, where it remained until 8 o'clock in the forenoon of the 25th. At this time it again went to the front line. About 1 p.m. I had 1 man severely wounded. Soon after 2 o'clock I was ordered by Col. Harker to prepare for a charge, as warm work was expected. My regiment, by direction of Col. Opdycke, advanced about 600 yards, and took position on the right of the Third Kentucky and left of–Illinois Regiments. About 3 o'clock Col. Harker directed me to be governed in my advance or retreat by the line on my left. The command now advanced steadily to the open field in front of the ridge, when it moved forward at double-quick and a run, passing the rebel breastworks without a halt, until it came to the foot of the ridge; but owing to the great distance over which the men had run, they were unfitted for ascending the steep sides of the hill without a short respite for rest, and were therefore halted. The line on the left having commenced falling back to the rebel works for better protection while resting, my command also fell back. After a few moments it again advanced with spirit to the foot of the ridge, and pressed forward until the summit was gained. Here the regiment rested a few moments, and again advanced, under the direction of Col. Opdycke, in the direction of the retreating rebels. My regiment now being on the left of the brigade, the Third Kentucky going forward as skirmishers, we advanced about 1 mile, and halted, taking 3 prisoners at the last point of halting. About 1 a.m. of the 26th, we again advanced, and halted at Chickamauga Creek, where we remained until about 3 p.m., when ordered to return to camp.

My command lost in advance upon Missionary Ridge 1 captain and 1 private killed, and 6 officers and 25 men wounded.

It is due to the officers and men of this command to say that in the charge across the field, the ascent of the ridge, and the assault of the rebel line, they displayed the greatest courage and valor; and when the stupendous magnitude of the perfectly accomplished undertaking is taken into consideration, their heroism reflects additional luster upon our flag, and will serve to honor the name of the Sixty-fourth, with the many others which participated in that immortal achievement, while its history remains.


Maj. S. L. COULTER, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

With the siege's end, the 64th joined an expedition for the relief of Knoxville, Tennessee, where a Confederate force under James Longstreet had besieged the city's Union garrison. Before the regiment could reach Knoxville, the Union military lifted the siege, and the 64th returned to Chattanooga, where the organization entered winter encampment. In January 1864, many of the regiment's soldiers reenlisted. The re-enlistees received a thirty-day furlough to their homes in Ohio.

Upon the furlough's end, the men of the 64th Ohio regrouped at Mansfield, Ohio on March 14, 1864. The regiment arrived in Chattanooga on April 1, 1864. On May 3, 1864, the organization embarked upon General William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign. The ultimate goal of this mission was the Union occupation of Atlanta, Georgia. In the campaign, the 64th fought in the Battles of Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Lost Mountain, Kennesaw Mountain, Muddy Creek, Atlanta, Jonesborough, and Lovejoy's Station. On September 2, 1864, the Union military occupied Atlanta, where the regiment entered camp. The 64th's commanding officer issued the following report at the end of the Atlanta Campaign:

HDQRS. SIXTY-FOURTH REGT. OHIO VOL. INFANTRY, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 13, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit for your consideration a summary and partial statement of the part taken by my regiment in the campaign just ended.

Early in May, 1864, the regiment, with 23 commissioned officers and 316 enlisted men for duty, left Cleveland, Ten., Col. Alexander McIlvain commanding, and on the 8th instant secured a position on Rocky Face Ridge, closely confronting the enemy and overlooking Dalton; here bivouacked for the night. On the following day the brigade closed en masse, this regiment in advance, charged the enemy's works on the crest of the ridge, which proved disastrous to our forces, and especially my regiment. Upon that occasion fell the ever-memorable Col. Alexander McIlvain, a brave and energetic officer, also the high-toned and spirited gentleman and officer, First Lieut. Thomas H. Ehlers, together with 19 enlisted men killed and 3 commissioned officers and 49 enlisted man wounded. The attempt to carry the works proving a fruitless one, the regiment withdrew to its former position on the ridge, where it remained until the morning of the 12th instant, when it was removed to a gap in the ridge four miles from Dalton, which position it held at the time the enemy evacuated the city the morning of the 13th instant. Passing through Dalton with the army we followed on in pursuit of the retreating enemy; met and engaged him successfully near Resaca on the 14th instant. The casualties in that day's engagement were 3 enlisted men killed, 1 commissioned officer and 14 enlisted men wounded. I was on the skirmish line with my regiment skirmishing with the enemy most of the following day and up to the time of their retreating the night of the 15th instant. On the following morning crossed the Oostenaula River at Resaca, skirmishing with his rear guard; pressed on to High Tower, two miles from Kingston, where the army stopped a few days that the soldier might recruit and cleanse his clothing. Crossing the Etowah River on the 23d instant, moved off in a southern direction, leaving the Allatoona Mountain and the railroad to the left. The enemy, observing this movement of the army, threw himself in front near New Hope Church, where he was met on the evening of the 25th instant, strongly fortified. On the morning following the general line was designated and strong rifle trenches prepared within easy range of the enemy's works. My regiment was on the skirmish line and met with the following casualties on the 97th instant: First Lieut. George C. Marshall and 2 enlisted men killed and 5 enlisted men wounded. In the evening, being relieved from the skirmish line by the One hundred and twenty-fifth Ohio, I removed the regiment to the rifle trenches prepared the day previous. I continued with my regiment in this position during the following eight days, meeting many casualties, the position being much exposed to stray shots from the enemy. The enemy having withdrawn from our front, on the 6th of June we marched to near Acworth, and there encamped. On the 10th instant the army again moved out and met the enemy's skirmishers near Pine Knob, a place commemorated by the death of the rebel Gen. Polk. Here met with a loss while on the skirmish line of 2 enlisted men wounded. Having discovered the enemy to be in force and fortified, pressed back his skirmishers till our main line had neared his fortifications, and there adjusted new rifle trenches, which position we held but a few days, when the enemy withdrew from Pine Knob, taking a new position a mile in rear. The following day our line was as much advanced and again fortified. From this we shifted our position to the right and gained some distance to the front. My regiment was sent to support the Fifty-seventh Indiana, then on picket, and on the following morning by day, taking advantage of a severe rain-storm, charged the enemy's skirmishers, taking a number of prisoners, at the same time their picket pits and first line of works, where we remained until evening, sharply skirmishing with the enemy. The casualties of the regiment on this day (June 18) were 2 commissioned officers and 5 enlisted men wounded. From this position the enemy withdrew on the following night, taking a new one in front of and near Kenesaw Mountain, near which our line was formed on the following day, where we again erected strong works. Thus the campaign progressed to the 27th instant, when a general assault was made upon the enemy's works, in which the regiment, commanded by Maj. S. L. Coulter, took an active part, but the assault proved fruitless, no part of the works being gained. The casualties in the regiment in this assault were 1 enlisted man killed and 4 enlisted men wounded. On the 2d of July the enemy withdrew from Kenesaw Moun cain, and the day following, passing through Marietta, again confronted the enemy west of and near the Chattahoochee River. While the army was in this position the regiment accompanied the brigade and division to Roswell, sixteen miles up the river, and again on its return to Vining's Station, near which it crossed over and fortified on the eastern bank of the river, July 13. We again moved to Buck Head on the 18th instant, where a new line of works was completed. From this moved forward across Peach Tree Creek; had advanced but a short distance from the stream when the enemy made a sudden and violent attack. Two companies, H and K, Capt. S. M. Wolff commanding, were thrown forward as skirmishers in a piece of dense woods, in which they came upon the enemy in force, when they were withdrawn. The enemy was handsomely repulsed, losing heavily. My regiment lost in that engagement 1 enlisted man killed and 5 enlisted men wounded, and took from the enemy 1 lieutenant and 17 enlisted men prisoners. On the 22d instant, the enemy having fallen back, our line advanced within two miles of Atlanta and met with a loss on that day of 1 lieutenant and 2 enlisted men wounded. Took position near the Buck Head road, where strong rifle trenches were formed. This position we held until the commencement of the movement on the Atlanta and Macon Railroad, losing several wounded.

My regiment accompanied the army on its late move south of Atlanta and labored in the perfecting of the many works completed by the army. On the night of the 31st instant received orders to report my regiment near Battle Station, On the Macon railroad, which being done by 3 a.m. the following morning, I assisted in tearing up and burning the track southward from that point till near Jonesborough, a distance of eight miles, near which place the enemy was discovered to be in force. The army being in position we moved forward, driving his skirmishers, when darkness overtook and stopped our progress. During the day our loss was 2 enlisted men wounded. During the night the enemy withdrew to Lovejoy's Station. Next day the army pursuing. My regiment in moving in position met with the loss of 1 enlisted man killed and 3 wounded. Learning that the enemy had evacuated Atlanta the morning of September 2, that being the objective point of the campaign, the army on the evening of the 5th instant withdrew from Lovejoy's Station and commenced its march to Atlanta. I entered the city with my regiment September 8, 1864, with 13 commissioned officers and 161 enlisted men for duty.

Recapitulation.–Commissioned officers killed, 3; wounded, 8. Enlisted men killed, 28; wounded, 97. Aggregate loss, 136.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

R. C. BROWN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Capt. GEORGE I. WATERMAN, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

After two weeks of rest at Atlanta, the 64th joined the Union pursuit of Confederate General John Bell Hood's army, which was advancing through northern Alabama and southern Tennessee in the direction of Nashville. The regiment first traveled to Chattanooga, where the organization received four hundred new recruits. The 64th proceeded to Alpine, Georgia, before returning to Chattanooga. The regiment soon traveled via train to Athens, Alabama, followed by Pulaski, Tennessee and Spring Hill, Tennessee. On November 29, 1864, the 64th participated in the Battle of Spring Hill and lost a few men killed or wounded. The Union force withdrew to Franklin, Tennessee. At the Battle of Franklin (November 30, 1864), the 64th suffered many more casualties, and the Northern army retreated to Nashville.

On December 15 and 16, the Battle of Nashville erupted, with the Union military, including the 64th, soundly defeating Hood's Confederates. The regiment joined the Union pursuit of the retreating Confederates until the Ohioans entered camp at Huntsville, Alabama. Following the campaign against Hood's command, the 64th's commanding officer issued the following reports:

HDQRS. SIXTY-FOURTH OHIO REGT. VOL. INFTY., Near Nashville, Tenn., December 6, 1864.

SIR: In compliance with your circular, received this morning, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the late battles at Spring Hill and Franklin, Tenn., on the 29th and 30th of November, 1864:

Reaching Spring Hill early in the afternoon of the 29th instant, the approach of an enemy was soon discovered, when the brigade was immediately put in position, my regiment thrown forward as skirmishers, with orders to advance and se what strength threatened the place. The right wing deployed under the direct charge of Maj. Coulter, while the left was held in reserve. The whole line advanced, driving the enemy's skirmishers for a distance without much difficulty. A body of cavalry being discovered on our right, and lest they might dash down a road which lay at this time in rear of our line, I sent Lieut. Smith his company (E), which till that time was held in reserve, to a prominence on the right and near the road, with orders to hold that position while the line was advanced beyond the road. The line had reached the dwelling known as the residence of Doctor Peters, where it had halted but a moment, when the enemy was discovered to be moving cavalry both to our right and left. Having at this time four companies in reserve, I immediately threw two of them to the support of the right and the remaining two to the left. The entire regiment was no sooner on the line than the enemy commenced advancing with a heavy line of infantry, and pushing their cavalry still beyond our flanks. We easily checked them in front, but the rapid movement of the cavalry on our flanks assured us that to save our command it must fall back to the road before referred to. Frequently we took position from which our ranks poured most deadly volleys, but our attempt to check their advance being fruitless, we at length withdrew behind a hastily constructed defense held by the brigade, and were sent as support to the Forty-second Illinois Infantry, on the right of the brigade. A most determined attack was made on this line, which was given up only when overwhelmed by the force of the enemy, and the regiment with the brigade moved back to take a stronger position, which the enemy did not attack.

At 4 o'clock on the morning of the 30th the regiment with the brigade left Spring Hill, moving Franklin, where it arrived by midday and was put in position 500 or 600 yards in front of the main line of works, where the men, with a few spades, voluntarily threw up a bank, which, in consequence of no timber, was very low. This we were ordered to hold in case the enemy advanced. Gen. Wagner's order was to put the sergeants with fixed bayonets in rear of the line to hold the men to their position. Although I did not order the sergeants to charge bayonets on my own ranks, yet I held my regiment in that position till the whole line was overwhelmed by the enemy and was pushed back together to the main works, at which our men made noble defense–in instances met the enemy in a hand-to-hand conflict. Lieut. Christian M. Gowing, who had just received promotion from sergeant, distinguished himself upon that occasion in a hand-to-handed counter with a stalwart form who had crossed our works, but soon was made to bite the dust. To give the exact number of prisoners captured would be a matter impossible; other commands were on the same line and mingled with my own. Prisoners in large numbers came over the works in our front, but so say how many of these should be accounted to my command would be difficult. There rebel colors were taken from the enemy on the works by this regiment, but were not preserved, as those capturing them were in close conflict with the enemy. They were thrown to the rear and picked up by other persons.

The casualties of the command on the 29th and 30th were: Killed, 7; wounded, officers, 1; men, 5; missing,54.

My thanks are due both officers and men for their soldierly deportment on both those bloody fields.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

R. C. BROWN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

HDQRS. SIXTY-FOURTH REGT. OHIO VET. VOL. INFTY., Decatur, Ala., January 7, 1865.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the battle near Nashville, Tenn., on the 15th and 16th days of December, 1864, so far as my regiment was engaged:

On the morning of the 15th camp was broken and the regiment moved with the brigade at daybreak from a position on the main line, where it had previously fortified, on the right of and near the Hillsborough pike. Having moved half a mile to the right the brigade was formed in reserve in rear of the Second Brigade and in two lines, my regiment being the center regiment of the front line of the brigade. Early in the day a forward movement commenced which continued steadily until my regiment had crossed the Granny White pike, where it took up position and fortified on a line nearly parallel within, the darkness of the night having checked our advance. On the morning of the 16th instant, at daybreak, our columns again advanced, my regiment this day on the front line. The enemy had fallen back during the night about one mile, where they were found to be strongly fortified, with a temporary fortification about 300 yards in front of the main line. This my regiment, with the brigade, charged and carried and held till about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when the main line was charged and carried, with many prisoners, small-arms, and some artillery. The routed enemy ran without consideration and were followed promptly a few miles, when the command was again bivouacked for the night.

My loss during the two days' engagement was 5 enlisted men wounded and 2 enlisted men missing.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

R. C. BROWN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Capt. PHELPS PAINE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

HDQRS. SIXTY-FOURTH OHIO VETERAN VOL. INFANTRY, Huntsville, Ala., January 5, 1865. SIR: I have the honor to report that during the late campaign several flags were captured by my command, but not remained. A number of swords were captured also, but having no transportation for them they were abandoned.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

R. C. BROWN, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Capt. PHELPS PAINE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

The 64th soon marched to Decatur, Alabama and then Athens, Georgia, remaining at this final location for two months. The organization next moved to Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, before returning to Nashville.

During the early summer of 1865, the 64th traveled from Nashville to New Orleans, Louisiana, where the Ohioans encamped for three months. While here, many of the soldiers suffered from various illnesses. In mid-September, the 64th Ohio moved to Victoria, Texas, where the organization remained for the duration of its service.

The men of the 64th Ohio officially mustered out of service at Victoria on December 3, 1865. During the 64th Ohio Voluntary Infantry Regiment's service, 114 men, including six officers, died from wounds. An additional 160 men, including one officer, died from disease or other causes.

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