Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 90th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

90th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Soldiers of Ohio infantry regiments served the Union for varying lengths of time, ranging from one hundred days to three years. One of the three-year regiments was the 90th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Volunteers from Fairfield, Fayette, Hocking, Perry, Pickaway and Vinton Counties formed this regiment at Camp Circleville on August 29, 1862. The unit initially consisted of thirty-eight commissioned officers and 943 enlisted men.

On August 29, 1862, the men of the 90th traveled to Covington, Kentucky, where they reported to Major-General Wright. Soon, the regiment found itself in Lexington, Kentucky, picketing all approaches to the city. On September 1, there were rumors of a Confederate army moving towards Lexington from Richmond, Kentucky. These rumors led the Northern soldiers to burn all army stores in preparation for a retreat.

On the retreat, the 90th guarded a wagon train on the Versailles Turnpike. Upon arrival in Versailles, the troops then marched to Louisville, Kentucky. The march was difficult for the men, as they suffered from thirst and dust, leaving them tortuously fatigued. On the way, in Shelbyville, the thirst was finally eased, when the men located a spring. When they finally reached their new encampment near Louisville on September 5, the soldiers had marched one hundred miles in just eighty-six hours.

Eventually, officials assigned the 90th Regiment to the 22nd Brigade under Brigadier-General Charles Crafts. This brigade served in General William S. Smith’s 4th Division of Major General Thomas L. Crittenden’s 21st Army Corps. The 21st Corps belonged to General Don Carlos Buell’s Army of the Ohio. The command spent late September and early October 1862 pursuing the Confederates operating in Kentucky. On October 8, 1862, the Army of the Ohio fought the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky, but the 90th Regiment did not participate. Officials held these troops in reserve during the battle.

Following the Perryville engagement, which was a Union victory, the 90th proceeded with other Northern forces to destroy the Goose Creek Salt Works, a valuable Confederate supply depot. On the march, the troopers surprised 1,200 Confederates, capturing two hundred enemy soldiers and two hundred head of cattle on October 20, 1862. Although the march was a successful one, it was one of great pain and hardship for the men of the 90th. Many of the men did not have shoes and marched through an early snowfall.

After resting for several days, the 90th advanced to the vicinity of Nashville, Tennessee. From December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863, the unit participated in the Battle of Stones River. With approximately forty-four thousand men, General William Rosecrans led the Union into battle, while Braxton Bragg led the nearly thirty-eight thousand Confederates. The engagement resulted in a Union victory but was one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. The North lost over thirteen thousand men killed, wounded, captured, or missing, and the Confederacy suffered over ten thousand casualties.

Following the Battle of Stones River, an officer of the 90th Regiment filed the following report:


January 8, 1863

SIR: I herewith furnish a report of the part taken by the Ninetieth Regt. Ohio Volunteer

Infantry, First Brigade, Second Division, left wing of the Army of the Cumberland, in the series of movements beginning with the crossing of Stewart's Creek on Monday, December 29, 1862, and closing with the final repulse of the enemy on Saturday, January 3, 1863.

Monday forenoon the regiment moved across Stewart's Creek, on the Murfreesboroughpike, deployed to the right of the pike, and formed in double columns, closed at half distance, in the rear of the Second Kentucky Regt. and on the left of the First Kentucky Regt. It then moved parallel with the pike, and met no resistance during the day.

Monday night it bivouacked within 3 miles of Murfreesborough, still to the right of thepike and nothing worthy of notice occurred during the night.

Tuesday morning the regiment moved by the right flank into a cedar forest still fartherto the right of the pike, and took position, the Thirty-first Indiana and Second Kentucky Regiments forming the first line, while the Ninetieth Ohio, with the First Kentucky, on the right, formed the second line, about 150 paces in the rear. The regiment maintainedthis position during the day, and was frequently under the fire of shells.

Tuesday night it bivouacked in the same position and in line of battle.

Wednesday morning, about 8 o'clock, the battle opened all along the right wing with both cannonading and musketry, with indications that our forces were being pressed; back. About 10 o'clock the brigade moved forward in the order previously named; the Ninetieth Ohio being ordered to support the Second Kentucky, in case it needed assistance,; and immediately the front line was engaged with the enemy. Firing continued to increase in rapidity and fierceness until the Second Kentucky sent backword that they needed support, when the Ninetieth Ohio was ordered forward on double-quick. It moved to the front, and was immediately engaged with the enemy,who appeared in great force, with two batteries planted within 150 yards of our; position, which raked us with grape and canister.

In noticing the movements of the enemy, I observed him massing a heavy force behind a large house in our front and left, and preparing to plant a battery in the same position, and I also observed that our support on the left had given way. After consulting with Lieut.-Col. Rippey, I determined to report the situation of affairs to Brig.-Gen. Cruft, commanding the brigade, who was on the field, and asked support. Receiving no support, I immediately returned to the regiment and ordered it to fall back, we having maintained our position until the enemy, in overwhelming masses, were within at least 25 yards of us.

The regiment now fell back in considerable disorder through the cedar forest, in which it held position in the morning, to the railroad, where it rallied, and formed on the left of the brigade, supporting a battery. This position it maintained until dark, when the engagement closed. It then moved with the brigade to the right, toward the pike, and bivouacked for the night.

Thursday morning it moved to the left of the railroad and lay in line of battle all day, during which time it was exposed to the enemy's artillery, which frequently sent shell and shot into our ranks. The same day the brigade was moved forward to a small eminence, where it formed the advance line of battle, and supported the batteries which had taken position here. The regiment was on the right of the brigade. About 9 o'clock that evening it was moved back into a skirt of woods, where it bivouacked for the night.

Friday morning, at 7 o'clock, we moved to the same position, and in the same order of the day previous. Here we threw up a hasty breastwork, the enemy firing a scattering shell into our ranks until about 11 a.m., when he opened a fierce cannonade, which lasted about an hour.

About 4 o'clock that evening the enemy attacked our position in great fury, with both musketry and artillery, manifestly endeavoring to turn our left. The regiment held its position on the right of the brigade, behind the breastworks, which formed a protection from the enemy's shot and shell, which fell now in abundance all around us and once drove our artillery to the rear. Many of the shells struck our works, but none of the regiment were wounded.

Just before dark the brigade was ordered to fix bayonets and charge across the plain and clear a wood in our front of the enemy. This charge was made in gallant style, and for its behavior during this movement the Ninetieth received the thanks of the division commander. After dark the regiment returned to the position it had occupied during the day, and there remained all night. The charge just mentioned was the closing operation of the day's work.

All day Saturday the regiment was held in the same position until late at night, when it moved into a skirt of woods just in the rear of its former position.

It was not again brought into action, but held the position in the wood all day Sunday, when the information came that the enemy had evacuated Murfreesborough.

Where there was a general effort to perform their duty, it would be difficult to designate individual acts of bravery; yet I would say of the field officers that Lieut. Col. C. H. Rippey was at his post during the series of engagements, doing his whole duty, and doing it well. Maj. S. N. Yeoman was also at his post, cheering on the men and discharging his duty fully. With one or two exceptions, the line officers performed their duty in a praiseworthy manner. Some of them exposed themselves to great danger in their efforts to save our artillery. Under the direction of Lieut.'s Rains and Crow, a piece of artillery that had been abandoned was brought off the field in the very face of the enemy, and delivered to Capt. Standart. Lieut. Welch was wounded early in the engagement of Wednesday; Lieut. Rains was injured by the concussion of a ball, but kept the field during that day; Capt. Rowe and Lieut.'s Baker and Selby were also wounded in the same action, while Capt. Perry and Lieut. Cook were taken prisoners.

In all the movements of the regiment the general commanding the brigade was present on the field, and, better than myself, can judge of its efficiency and the manner of its behavior during the entire series of engagements.

The following is a list of the killed and wounded in the Ninetieth Regt. in the recent battles of December 31, 1862, and January 2, 1863. The regiment went into this engagement with about 300 men, and came out with 176.

The foregoing report is respectfully submitted.


Col., Cmdg. Ninetieth Regt. Ohio Volunteers,


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

The days after the battle saw the Union burying the dead and tending to the wounded, which by this time were in the most frightful of conditions. Colonel Isaac Ross, who had led the 90th into the battle, was sent to the rear with wounds, leaving Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Rippey in command. On April 14, 1863, Ross resigned due to health, and Rippey was promoted to Colonel, with Major Samuel Yeomen being promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel.

The 90th next found itself involved in the Tullahoma Campaign in Tennessee, which lasted from June 24 to July 3, 1863. General Rosecrans led the Union in a victory against General Bragg's Confederates. The Union endured approximately 569 men killed, wounded, captured, or missing during this campaign, with approximately 1,634 Confederate losses. General Rosecrans’s victory was overshadowed by the largest and most iconic battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg, which occurred from July 1 to 3, 1863.

During the late summer months of 1863, the 90th Regiment advanced against Confederate units in northern Georgia. On September 12, 1863, the 90th found itself on West Chickamauga Creek near Lee and Gordon's Mills. Seven days later, on September 19, the 90th supported General George Thomas and his corps in the Battle of Chickamauga. At one point during battle, the 90th led a charge against the Confederates, causing the enemy to retreat in confusion. The Confederates quickly regrouped and drove the Northerners from the battlefield on September 20, 1863.

Following the Battle of Chickamauga, an officer of the 90th Regiment filed the following report:


September 28, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Ninetieth Regt. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the battles of the 19th and 20th instant, on the easternslopes of Missionary Ridge, together with a summary of its marches, reconnaissances, &c., since crossing the Tennessee River. The regiment was transported across the riveron the night of the 3d instant, between the hours of 11 and 12, and bivouacked at Shellmound. The crossing was attended with no accident or mishap whatsoever.

On the 4th, it encamped at Shellmound, awaiting the arrival of the train with supplies.

On the evening of the 5th, it moved with the brigade to Running Water Creek, distant 9 miles; thence, on the 6th, to the intersection of the Murphy's Bottom and Nickajack roads, near which it encamped.

On the 7th, it was ordered on a reconnaissance to Nickajack Gap, for the purpose of relieving; a signal escort had been attacked on the side of the mountains. No skirmishing occurred.

On the 8th, it marched to Hawkins' Station, on the Trenton Railroad; thence, on the 9th, to Rossville, 16 miles, leaving Chattanooga on the left.

On the left 10th, it marched to Pea Vine Creek, 7 miles where it encamped at about 10.30 a. m. A few moments after arms had been stacked an attack was made by a body of rebel cavalry upon the skirmish line of the brigade still thrown to the front, and the line driven in. The regiment was formed at the time on the right of, and at right angles to, the road leading to Ringgold, the Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers being formed between the left and the road. I was immediately ordered to move forward in line, which I did, throwing a company of skirmishers to the front. After advancing about half a mile in a direction parallel with the road, my skirmishers became engaged with the skirmishers of the enemy who had retired thus far. As fast as was thought advisable by the brigade commander, I allowed my skirmish line to advance upon the enemy, who retired whenever a fire was opened upon them. In this manner I followed them, until about 3.30 p. m., over a distance of several miles, when I received an order to fall back to camp and bivouac. My skirmishers succeeded in killing 1 horse and 1 man, besides severely wounding one other. No casualties happened among my men.

On the 11th, the regiment moved to Ringgold, distant 8 miles; thence, on the 12th, to Gordon's Mills.

When within 3 1/2 miles of Gordon's Mills, to the east, I was ordered by Gen. Crittenden to deploy a battalion as skirmishers and clear out a piece of woods to the left of the road. A small squad of cavalry, which had been observing our movements, retired as my skirmishers advanced. As I commenced withdrawing my line to rejoin the brigade, they returned and opened fire, which was returned by my skirmishers. I immediately halted and adjusted the line so as to cover the front of the brigade, which had halted and formed line of battle. During the afternoon, under an order from Gen. Palmer, I advanced my skirmish line, well supported by the First and Second Kentucky Regt.s, down a valley leading toward La Fayette. Finding no considerable force in that direction, I was ordered back to the road, and immediately afterward rejoined the brigade and resumed the march to Gordon's Mills, where we encamped. The casualties of this day were said to be one rebel major killed by my regiment.

On the 13th, the brigade being ordered on a reconnaissance to the aforesaid valley, I was ordered with my regiment down a by-road leading toward La Fayette, for the purpose of protecting the right and rear of the brigade against a flank movement. After advancing about 1 mile, I halted, formed across the hollow, and threw out a heavy skirmish line to the front. After remaining in this position about one hour, my skirmishers were attacked by a considerable force of rebel cavalry, dismounted. Three separate times within an hour the enemy advanced upon my skirmish line, but were each time handsomely repulsed. They finally retired, leaving several dead and wounded on the field, 6, as I afterward learned from prisoners. Just at this time, I was ordered to join the brigade, which I did, retiring in line and covering the rear with a heavy line of skirmishers.

The; reconnaissance being completed, I moved with the brigade to Gordon's Mills, where the regiment encamped.

On the 14th, the regiment remained in camp, the brigade being left in charge of the corps transportation.

On the 15th, it marched to Matthews' house, distant 6 miles, where it; remained encamped during the 16th.

On the 17th, it moved back 1 1/2 miles to Abercrombie's house, where it remained until 9. 30 o'clock on the evening of the 18th, when it moved to Gordon's Mills, and went into line of battle at 1 a. m. on the morning of the 19th.

At 11 a. m. on the 19th, the division being ordered to engage the enemy on the right of——division, our brigade took the advance, moving by the left flank up the Rossville road, the Ninetieth Ohio leading. Having marched about 1 1/2 miles to McNamara's house, I turned obliquely to the right and formed line of battle. The Second Brigade having passed up in the rear formed to my left. At 12. 30 o'clock I advanced, keeping my left well closed on the right of the Second Brigade, though 80 paces in the rear, the brigades moving en echelon by the left. The Second Brigade soon became hotly engaged and halted, and before I could move up on to the line, my skirmishers were driven in and I received the fire of one of the enemy's battalions. I immediately moved forward in double-quick, driving the enemy before me, and took position on; a line with the Second Brigade, my right somewhat advanced so as to form an angle slightly enfilading the enemy. The other regiments of the brigade moved on to the same line about the same time.

The fight then opened fiercely with both musketry and artillery. I had gained for my regiment rather an advantageous position on the crest of a swell in the ground along; which was some fallen timber and other cover. The enemy made four separate attempts to dislodge the regiment from this position, but were each time repulsed with heavy loss.

A battery of artillery posted directly in my front were so harassed by the sharp practice of my men that they were unable to work their pieces, save to deliver a few straggling shots. After the third assault of the enemy, my men having expended all their ammunition except about 2 rounds per man, I retired the regiment about 20 yards, so as to gain the cover of the woods, in case it became necessary to retreat. By permission of Gen. Cruft, there was also brought from the right of the brigade a section of Standart's battery, and I posted it so as to enfilade the column which was pressing the front of the Second Brigade. The last attack of the enemy was a feeble one. The volley which I had instructed my men to reserve for them scattering them in every direction. At the same time, the section of artillery which has been posted assisted very materially in creating confusion in the enemy's lines, and in a few moments they were fleeting in every direction over the open country in our front. This fight lasted about two hours and was very hot.

The casualties in my regiment amounted to 4 killed and 57 wounded. The enemy having retired from our front, there was a lull of about two hours, during which time the men were supplied with fresh ammunition and their guns cleansed and put in order. At about 3.30 p. m. heavy firing was again heard upon the right and rear of our position, and rapidly approached us, until it seemed the right of our brigade was attacked in flank. Under orders from Gen. Cruft, I quickly changed front to the right and formed, supporting the battery. The Thirty-first Indiana Voluteers attempted to form on my right, but before they were in position a mass of disorganized troops came rushing across our lines in great disorder, the enemy pressing closely upon them, and pouring in heavy volleys of musketry. An order was given me to retire, by Gen. Cruft.

The battery, in order to pass to the front of the retiring column, was obliged to pass directly through my regiment, which, together with the fleeing fugitives upon the right, threw my regiment into a moment's confusion. As soon; however, as we were clear of the battery and the fugitives, I rallied the regiment and faced to the front, under directions from the general commanding brigade. The enemy still pressed closely upon my front, and as I feared we might not be able to hold them in this position, I, on request of general commanding brigade, ordered a charge. Many of my officers sprung gallantly to the front, and, with a cheer, the men followed, fixing their bayonets as they ran. Quick as thought, they were upon the enemy, who, scarcely waiting to discharge their pieces, turned and fled in utter confusion. My color-sergeant was shot down, but one of the escort seized the flag, and the men, seeing the discomfiture of the enemy, and knowing that support was coming up on the left, rushed forward with a wild cheer, literally outrunning and; capturing many of the retreating foe. The pursuit continued for a full half mile, when, seeing that we had left the supports far in the rear, and fearing lest the regiment should be cut off, I halted them, and marched back slowly to join the brigade.

Having taken position on the left of the brigade, the regiment remained in line until nearly dark, when, no enemy appearing in our front, the brigade was moved off to the right and rear, and took position on the left of Gen. Brannan's division, which had formed across the Rossville road.

Shortly after we had taken this position, an attack was made upon Gen. Johnson's division, some distance to the left. The brigade was ordered out to his support, and moved off by the left flank, but by the time it had arrived within supporting distance, the firing ceased, and we were immediately ordered to bivouac for the night. While moving to this position, the regiment was exposed to a severe fire from the enemy's artillery posted on the opposite ridge, but fortunately no one was injured.

On the morning of the 20th, the regiment was under arms by 4 o'clock and in line of battle, occupying the right of the brigade, which was formed in single line. Having ascertained that this would probably be our position during the day, the men were ordered to stack arms and construct such defenses as were practicable. In less than one hour, without the aid of axes or other intrenching tools, a strong breastwork of logs and stones was built which would effectively protect the men against all light missiles. Before any attack was made, however, the brigade was formed in two lines, my regiment occupying the right of the reserve line. About 8 o'clock a fierce attack was made upon the front line, which lasted for several hours, but was successfully resisted. My regiment being ordered to lie down behind the crest of a rising piece of ground, met with but few casualties.

At about 11 a. m. I was ordered forward to relieve the Thirty-first Indiana and a portion of the Second Kentucky. Being obliged to pass over high ground, several of my regiment fell before they reached the defenses. But few volleys were fired by my regiment after they reached the defenses, as shortly afterward the enemy withdrew, leaving only a line of sharpshooters in our front. This position was held by my regiment the remainder of the day until 5 p. m., when orders were sent me to retire. The brigade had moved some; moments before I received the order. I marched out by the right flank and was enabled to overtake the right of the Thirty-first; Indiana moving in line. After reaching the open fields to the rear, I thought it advisable to march in this order since the brigade was exposed to a cross-fire of artillery from the flanks. Although this fire was very severe, the regiment moved steadily and in good order. One officer and several men fell here, and could not be brought off the field. Having reached the ridges on the left of the Rossville road, I halted with the brigade and formed line of battle. After resting here about one hour, the regiment moved back with the division to Rossville and encamped.

During the whole of this engagement and the skirmishes preceding it, the most of my officers and men behaved as well soldiers could, obeying every order cheerfully, promptly, and with judgment. A very few left the field before the engagement ended, but I will not; disgrace the history of those gallant men who remained, by mentioning their names among these pages. Among the officers who deserve special credit for their coolness, fortitude, and bravery, I might mention Maj. Perry, Capt. Rains, Capt. Witherspoon, Capt. Hitchcock, and Capt. Angle, together with Lieut.'s Felton, Sutphen, and Cook. Indeed, all the officers, with two or three exceptions, conducted themselves as well as I could desire.

My especial thanks are due Lieut. J. A. Wright, of the staff, for gallant services rendered me on Saturday afternoon. It affords me great pleasure to notice the conduct of Corpl. James J. Holliday, who, when the color-sergeant was shot down in the charge on Saturday afternoon, seized the colors and waving them over his head sprang to the front with a cheer which seemed to inspire every soldier on the line. I should be pleased to mention many others if time and space permitted. Attached you will find a list of the killed and wounded of the regiment, which I consider remarkably small considering the severity of the fire to which the regiment was so often exposed.

Very respectfully,


Col., Comdg.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., First Brigade.

By late September 1863, Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg besieged the Union army, including the 90th Regiment, behind entrenchments at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Northern forces under General Ulysses S. Grant helped end the siege in late November. On November 25, the 90th found itself crossing the Tennessee River, where Confederate sharpshooters fired upon the troops, but the Union force drove held the Confederates off without a loss. The regiment next advanced to Bridgeport, Alabama, arriving on December 2. Here, the regiment helped build fortifications until December 29, when it was placed in charge of 3,500 Confederate prisoners.

The 90th’s members served as prison guards until January 24, 1864, when the regiment marched to Ooltowah, Tennessee. For the next three months, the Ohio men remained at Ooltowah, where they conducted periodic scouting missions. While at this location, Colonel Ripley resigned his commission in the Union army, and Colonel Samuel Yeoman assumed command of the 90th Regiment.

On May 3, 1864, the 90th Regiment joined General William T. Sherman’s command and embarked upon the Atlanta Campaign. The regiment participated in the Battle of Rocky Face Ridge (May 7-13, 1864), the Battle of Resaca (May 13-15, 1864), the Battle of Adairsville (May 17, 1864), the Battle of New Hope Church (May 25-26, 1864), the Battle of Pickett's Mill (May 27, 1864), the Battle of Dallas (May 26-June 4, 1864), the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain (June 24, 1864), the Battle of Peachtree Creek (July 20, 1864), the Battle of Jonesboro (August 31-September 1, 1864), and the capture of Atlanta, Georgia (September 2, 1864).

Following the Atlanta Campaign, the 90th Regiment participated in the pursuit of John Bell Hood’s Confederate army, which, after evacuating Atlanta, implemented an assault on northern Alabama and central Tennessee. On November 30, 1864, the 90th Regiment fought in the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee. General John Schofield led the Union forces against General John Hood of the Confederacy. The North lost approximately 2,500 men killed, wounded, captured or missing, while the Southern force lost 6,200 men. The Confederacy also had fourteen generals killed, wounded, or captured. The North won the battle in terms of lost soldiers, but the South ended up forcing the Union army to retreat to Nashville, Tennessee.

A few weeks later, the 90th Regiment found themselves fighting again, this time in the Battle of Nashville, from December 15 to 16, 1864. General George Thomas led the Union against General John Hood of the Confederacy. Loss estimates are difficult to determine for this battle, but the Union suffered an estimated two thousand to three thousand men killed, wounded, captured, or missing, while the Confederacy endured between 4,500 and six thousand casualties.

Following the Battle of Nashville, an officer of the 90th Regiment filed the following report:

HDQRS. NINETIETH REGT. OHIO VOL. INFANTRY, Near Lexington, Ala., December 30, 1864.

LIEUT.: In accordance with circular from brigade headquarters of this instant, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken in the actions of the 15th and 16th instant, and the pursuit of Gen. Hood's rebel forces to this place:

In accordance with orders received from brigade headquarters, my command was in line on the left of the Granny White pike at 6 a. m. on the 15th instant, and at 6.30 a. m. my regiment was relieved by a portion of Brig.-Gen. Cruft's command. At 7 a. m. it was in motion, moving across the Granny White pike by the right flank, following the Eighty-first Indiana. At 8.30 a. m. passed through our breast-works on the Hillsborough pike, and formed in line upon the right, the left of my regiment retired and resting near the pike. At 10 a. m. the skirmishers commenced advancing, and we moved over the crest of a hill in our front, obliquing to the left, our skirmishers driving the enemy in our front from his skirmish pits. A halt was ordered, during which the enemy used his artillery upon our lines. At 11 a. m. we were ordered forward a second time, the brigade making nearly a right half wheel, and throwing my regiment upon the left of the Hillsborough pike, its right resting upon the pike. In this advance of my battle line to enemy 's rifle-pits I lost but one man wounded. A battery being ordered into position, my command was moved to the left until it connected with the right of the Third Division. In this position we remained until 2 p. m., when I was ordered forward by Col. Kirby to take a hill 400 yards form my front and within rifle-range of the enemy's works. I advanced without opposition until reaching the crest of the hill, when the enemy opened upon me from his works. I immediately put my men under cover, and ascertaining that a dug road in my front afforded a better protection for my men, by order of Col. Kirby, I moved my men forward to it, where they were well protected, and from this position I opened a vigorous fire upon them. At about 4 p.m. I observed them shifting rapidly to the left; this I; communicated to Col. Kirby, when a charge was ordered, to which the men responded with cheers, and in ten minutes my regimental flag [was] first on the enemy's works and my men pursuing them. I ordered a halt, and reforming my regiment, was placed by Col. Kirby in position at right angles with the enemy's works, my right resting on their works. Formed thus, we moved forward, crossing the Granny White pike, and bivouacking 1,000 yards east of it, when my regiment was ordered to and built works parallel with the pike. In this action I lost thirty-two men in killed and wounded.

My entire command behaved with the greatest gallantry and enthusiasm, but I regret that in the enthusiasm and eagerness of my command to pursue the enemy that my command neglected secure the trophies of war that we had captured from the enemy, both these and the prisoners falling into the hands of other commands coming up to our support.

16th, my regiment again formed left of the front battle-line of the brigade, and moving out of our works by the right flank, we shifted gradually toward the enemy's right. At 9.30 a. m. we moved forward in line of battle, supporting the Second and Third Brigades, our movements entirely controlled by the movements of those commands. At 11 a. m., in advancing through an open corn-field on the right of the Franklin pike, I had one man wounded by artillery; from that until the enemy was routed, and night found us in pursuit of the enemy, my command acted quietly and efficiently in the execution of all orders. We bivouacked on the right of the Franklin pike, six miles south of Nashville.

On the 17th instant moved in same order on the Franklin pike, and bivouacked on the north side of Harpeth River near Franklin, making a march of twelve miles. On the 18th crossed the Harpeth, and moving in the direction of Columbia. On the 19th moved one mile, halted, and bivouacked. On the 20th, p. m., crossed the Harpeth, and moving in the direction of Columbia marched eighteen miles, and bivouacked on the banks of Duck River, opposite Columbia, where we remained until the 22d, at 7 p. m., when we crossed Duck River, and moving through Columbia, bivouacked on the left of Mouth Pleasant pike. On the 23d moved at 1 p.m. the Pulaski pike, and bivouacked six miles south of Columbia. On the 24th moved at 1 p.m., marching thirteen miles, and bivouacked on the right of Pulaski pike. On the 25th moved at 8 a.m., reaching and passing through Pulaski, twelve miles. At 1 p. m. crossed Richland Creek and moved out six miles, in support of cavalry, marching sixteen miles, and bivouacking at 8 p. m. Remained in same position until 5.30 a. m., when we moved out the same road twelve miles, bivouacking at 2 p. m. on Sugar Tree Creek. One the 28th moved at 8 a. m. and mad this point, a distance of twelve miles, at 5 p. m.

I cannot close my report without special mention of Color-Sergt. Jacob S. Cockerel for his gallantry in being first to plant his colors on the enemy's works, and would make special mention of other men, non-commissioned officers, and officers, but the universal good conduct and cheerfulness of the command throughout the battle and hard marches of the campaign will not admit of it.

Appended you will find a list of the killed and wounded of my command of the 15th and 16th instant.* Those that are marked slight were only thrown out of action during the first day; most of them now are with the command.

I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., First Brigade, &c.


LIEUT.: In compliance with circular from department headquarters of the 27th instant, I have the honor to forward the following statement in regard to a stand of rebel colors and several swords captured but not secured by my command on the 15th instant at Nashville, Tenn., and ask that you append it to my report of December 30, 1864:

The center of my regiment struck the enemy's works at the point where a rebel stand of colors was planted on the left of the for heretofore mentioned; in my report, the right of it reaching to the left wing of said fort. As the members of Company H crossed the works Privates Irvin, Brown, and others, of Companies C and H, saw a stand of rebel colors on the ground near the ditch, but the hill after the flying enemy, and, in the excitement of the chase, not pausing to collect any trophies. In substantiation of this statement I append the statement of James R. Vansickle, a private of Company H of my command, who came up after the regiment had crossed the works, and says that he saw a soldier with a stand of rebel colors, and asking him where he captured them, he said that he picked them up right there, where the Ninetieth Ohio crossed the works. He then asked him to what regiment he belonged, and he replied to the Ninth Indiana.

Others of my command saw him with the colors, and substantiate this.

As to the swords, there were as many as three or four others besides the one forwarded by me, with its history, shown me by soldiers of my command, which I; ordered them to keep, but being ordered to form a new line and move forward in line of battle through the brush until long after night-fall, the soldiers could not carry them and they threw them away.

I claim credit for my command for the capture of this stand of colors, and also the prisoners who passed through my regimental line to the rear, and respectfully forward the name of Private James W. Horney, of Company C, as a soldier who by his heroic conduct, in being first on and over the enemy's works, fixing this bayonet as he mounted them, has won the right to receive any testimonial that the Government may see proper to award as an acknowledgment of his conduct.

I am, as ever, your obedient servant,


Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

Near the end of 1864, the 90th Regiment proceeded to Athens, Georgia, and then, on January 4, 1865, the command reached Huntsville, Alabama. The command remained at this location for three months, until March 1, when the organization moved back towards Nashville. The regiment would remain in central Tennessee for the remainder of the war.

The 90th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry officially mustered out of the Union military at Camp Harker, Tennessee, on June 13, 1865. During the 90th Ohio Voluntary Infantry Regiment's service, at least eighty-two men died from wounds, including five officers. An additional 170 men died from disease or other causes.

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