Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 94th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

94th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

1862 -1865

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Soldiers of Ohio infantry regiments served the Union for varying lengths of time, ranging from one hundred days to three years. One of the three-year regiments was the 94th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Volunteers from Miami County formed the 94th Ohio Voluntary Infantry Regiment at Camp Piqua, Ohio in July 1862. By the end of August, 1,010 men had volunteered for duty, officially being mustered into service on August 24, 1862.

The 94th, under the direction of Colonel Joseph Frizell, received its first marching orders on August 28, before the regiment’s members had received uniforms, supplies, or training. Regardless, the men marched to Lexington, Kentucky to join the Army of the Ohio and to help fight off the forces of Confederate General Kirby Smith. Over the course of the regiment’s first several days in Kentucky, the 94th participated in battles at Tate's Ferry (August 31-September 1), Lexington (September 1-September 2) and Versailles (September 1-September 2). On October 8, 1862, these Ohioans fought in their first major battle, the Battle of Perryville. The Union viewed the battle’s outcome as a strategic victory, while the Confederates viewed the battle as a tactical victory. The Union lost more men–4,211 soldiers killed, wounded, captured, or missing to 3,196 Confederate losses–but the Southerners retreated out of Kentucky into Tennessee.

Following the Battle of Perryville, Colonel Frizell filed the following report:

ARMY OF THE OHIO, In the Field, October 10, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report as to the part my command (Ninety-fourth Ohio Regiment) took in the action of the 8th instant at Chaplin Hills:

I formed my regiment, by order of General Rousseau, as a reserve, on the left and in the rear of Simonson's battery, but before it became necessary for me to go directly to the support of the battery I was ordered up by an aide of General McCook to the support of Terrill's battery. I moved up by my left flank, in double-quick, about 800 yards, some 200 yards to the left of the battery, where I found the enemy in great force, and where our forces had given way. I had scarcely halted my command and fronted when a most murderous and incessant fire from infantry was opened upon me. My men stood their ground for about three-quarters of an hour, when the enemy began gradually to fall back. Fresh troops at this moment came up and took our position, but was informed that I again must take the front. Knowing that I was almost out of ammunition, my only alternative was to resort to the bayonet. I moved forward with the expectation of using cold steel, but was satisfied to find that the enemy had promptly left when they saw us making toward them. They gave way entirely in front of us, and after advancing some 125 yards and not being supported I did not feel authorized to proceed farther.

My regiment remained in this position some half an hour, nothing occurring of note except that a rebel colonel came a little too close to us to make observations, when one of Company F's men shot him off his horse. He was brought inside of our lines and expired a few moments afterward. My attention was diverted to my rear, when I saw that a portion of Terrill's battery was going past me in hot haste, and heavy volleys of infantry to the right and rear of me. I immediately formed my men so as to meet the enemy's right, who appeared to be driving our men down the ridge we first occupied. The enemy, however, was checked before they reached our last line. I remained until I received your order to take another position about dark.

The numerous dead bodies found upon the ground in front of the position I occupied showed that the enemy were severely punished. In the early part of the engagement Capt. John C. Drury, of Company B, fell shot through the heart. A finer officer or a braver man fell not that day. In the death of Captain Drury the company lost a gallant leader, the regiment an officer whose place I am fearful will never be filled.

The officers and men of the regiment behaved most gallantly, going into action under a fire almost unprecedented in the annals of war for severity. It was astonishing to see the line stand as steadily as if in mere practice. Lieutenant-Colonel Bassford and Major King displayed great coolness and bravery, and these gentlemen are entitled to great credit for the successful action of my command on this occasion. James E. Edmunds, acting adjutant, rendered great aid. I commend him for his activity and gallantry. Sergt. Maj. William D. Putnam, during the hottest of the fire, attracted the attentive admiration of the officers of the regiment and incited the men by his great courage and daring. Our chaplain, Rev. William Arlington, gave ample proof of a Christian and kind-hearted gentleman by his incessant care to our wounded men.

I went into action with 500 men. My loss, in killed, 8; wounded, 25; prisoners, 2; missing, 5. Total, 40.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. W. FRIZELL, Colonel Ninety-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


The 94th Regiment participated in a number of smaller conflicts between Perryville and the end of December 1862. Two days after Perryville, on October 11, the regiment fought at Crab Orchard, Kentucky. On November 15, the soldiers, now part of the Army of the Cumberland, engaged a Confederate force at Edgefield Junction, Tennessee. Finally, on December 29 and 30, the men fought at Nolensville, Tennessee.

Beginning on December 31, 1862, the 94th Ohio fought in the Battle of Stones River. The engagement occurred over three days, from December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1862. ;Following this Union victory, the 94th remained in the vicinity of Murfreesboro for the next five months.

Following the Battle of Stones River, an officer in the 94th Ohio filed the following report:


In obedience to orders from headquarters, I have the honor to forward the following report of the part taken in the battle of Wednesday, December 31, 1862, and the following days, by the Ninety-fourth Regiment:

My command, forming part of the Ninth Brigade, was ordered to move forward Murfreesborough, on the Nashville and Murfreesborough pike. After marching about 1 1/2 miles, we turned to the right, and went a quarter of a mile and halted in the woods. After waiting a short period, we were again moved forward to the right and front in double-quick, halted, formed in line of battle, and for the first time came under fire of the enemy. Shells bursting over and around us, soon we were ordered to move to the right. After marching a short distance, we were halted. Remaining in that position about twenty minutes, we were again ordered to move by the right.

We then marched toward the Murfreesborough pike, and halted at the edge of the woods at the time the enemy left the woods and charged one of our batteries. The foe broke and fled precipitately. We commenced firing on our right, and threw Company B out as skirmishers on our left.

We were then ordered into the open field in line, halted, and delivered several rounds at the retreating foe. Received orders to fix bayonets, which done, we moved in double-quick across the field, following the enemy. We halted at the edge of the woods, remaining but a short time; threw out Company G as skirmishers, advanced into the woods about 75 yards, and halted.

After remaining here for some time, we received orders to move out to the right and up to the top of the hill, which we did, passing one of our batteries there. From this point we crossed the pike, forming in line along the east side. From this point I was ordered back to bring up ammunition. The regiment remained here about thirty minutes. We had several wounded at this point by the enemy's artillery.

The regiment was then ordered forward over the crest of the hill and into the woods, by order of Gen. Rousseau. Companies B and G were advanced from this point, as skirmishers. They were soon brought in, and the whole command marched by the left flank, to join on the right of the Thirty-eighth Indiana, then in the open field. In this position we were ordered to lie down. Many of our men were wounded by the enemy's sharpshooters.

We did not remain long in this position, but returned to the woods, and after a very brief stay we were ordered out again, but not quite so far advanced and less exposed to the sharpshooters. Shortly after this, our gallant colonel, whose cheerful courage and constantly encouraging presence had contributed effectively to the calmness and prompt obedience of the entire command, was severely wounded and instantly carried from the field.

At this juncture the command fell for a short time upon Maj. King. Our left here joined on the right of the Thirty-eighth Indiana. This position we held during the night, throwing out pickets to the front. No disturbance occurred of any importance.

On Thursday, January 1, 1863, 5 a.m., we were ordered to report ourselves on the Murfreesborough pike, which being done, we were marched back to about the position we started from the morning before; but we did not have long to remain at this point. We had hardly stacked arms and broken ranks till we heard that familiar sound, "Fall in." We were marched back again toward Murfreesborough in double-quick. After going about 1 mile, we were ordered off to the right of the pike, and formed into line.

Soon Gen. McCook ordered us over to the left of the pike. We were, however, soon ordered back to the point at which we left the pike, at which place we were formed into column of companies, then marched forward to the right and front, to the crest of a hill, and halted, facing south, forming a line. In a few moments we were ordered to change front forward on first company, which being done, we marched forward and were halted in the edge of a thicket. Here we remained till 3 p.m., when we were pushed to the farther edge of the thicket, facing southwest.

During the night and day following we threw up breastworks of such material as was at hand.

On the evening following [January 2] we threw out heavy pickets, and this position we occupied, with nothing to disturb us, excepting the annoyance of the enemy's sharpshooters, until January 5, when ordered to march.

During the five days we were on the field, among those wounded was Capt. Steel, bold and brave, who, though suffering from severe sickness, commanded his company with praiseworthy success until removed from the field. The officers, without exception, acted well their parts, and in perfect concert. The men, obedient and prompt, were easy to command, and are worthy of high commendation.

Of our chaplain, Rev. William Allington, I do not think too much can be said. I wish there were more such in our army. He followed the regiment wherever it went, picking up the wounded and carrying them off the field; and after we were through with the day's fight, he would spend his nights at the hospitals administering to the wounded. The above report is as near correct as I am able to make it.

Yours, most respectfully,

S. A. BASSFORD, Lieut. Col., Comdg. Ninety-fourth Regt. Ohio Vol. Infantry.

Col. B. F. SCRIBNER, Cmdg. Ninth Brigade, Third Division.

From June 24, 1863 to July 3, 1863, The 94th Ohio participated in the Army of the Cumberland’s Tullahoma Campaign. Major-General William Rosecrans led his army into southeastern Tennessee and northern Alabama, hoping to drive Confederate forces from this region. Following this campaign, the 94th next fought in the Battle of Chickamauga from September 19-20, 1863. As a result of this Confederate victory, the 94th Regiment retreated with the rest of the Union army to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Southern forces laid siege to the Northerners for the next two months.

Following the Battle of Chickamauga, an officer in the 94th Ohio filed the following report:


SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the part borne by the Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the engagements of Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20:

On Saturday morning, when the firing began on our left, the brigade was swung around in such a position as to face nearly northeast; the Ninety-fourth was in the second line on the left and immediately behind the Second Ohio, our right joining on the left of the Tenth Wisconsin. We moved forward with the brigade, maintaining our relative position for a distance of perhaps 40 rods, when Gen. Baird rode along the line and told us that we were bearing too much to the right. In reply to the answer that I had been ordered to follow the Second Ohio, he stated that the whole brigade was bearing too far to the right, and ordered us to the left. We oblique to the left until we moved in a direction forming an angle of about 20 degrees with the direction taken by the brigade, when we were ordered to move forward on the double-quick. We moved in this manner for a distance of nearly or quite half a mile, a considerable number of the enemy passing our lines to the rear as prisoners. I then halted. Nothing could be seen of the brigade on the right, but on the left and about 25 rods to the rear a column of troops was bearing leisurely down, which I ascertained by inquiry to be the regular brigade. Gen. Baird coming up, I reported to him for orders, and was told to move on. I did so for a considerable distance, moving over part of the field over which I supposed our troops had passed. I immediately sent an officer to learn the meaning of it. He returned and reported that the enemy were in our rear, and that we were to fall back to the support of the regulars. I immediately moved back and formed on the [now] left of the regular brigade.

By the time my lines were dressed the enemy opened a most terrific fire on us, and charged on a section of the regular battery. The troops fell back and I ordered my command back with them. We soon again rallied and moved off to the left. Here we were ordered by some general officer to the support of a battery. We were almost immediately ordered still farther to the left and formed again on a line with the regulars. We were then fronting very nearly to the north, on a hill, as nearly as I can judge, to the rear of where we had stacked arms in the morning. The troops to our right were the regulars, and to the right of them all or a part of Brannan's division; we appeared to be on the extreme left. Here the enemy again charged the lines, their right covering the right wing of the regiment, but were speedily repulsed with considerable loss. We remained here with but little change until about 3 o'clock, when I was ordered to move back until I struck the road, then to proceed down it. I did so, and after moving a short distance fell in with the brigade and formed on the left of the Second Ohio. We moved forward with the brigade from this point in the same position until the second order of battle was formed, when we were again thrown on the left of the second line and immediately behind the Thirty-eighth Indiana. When the brigade was moved forward to the support of the troops engaged on our front, I threw out two companies [B and G] as skirmishers. They had been deployed but a few moments when a volley was discharged into the left of the regiment. So close were the enemy that we could plainly see into the barrels of their muskets at each discharge. The regiment fell back to an open field at the foot of the hill, and from there we moved to our place off bivouac for the night.

On Sunday my regiment was placed in the front line on the left of the Thirty-eighth Indiana and right of the Thirty-third Ohio. During the day we maintained the same position. A few were here wounded, among them Lieut. Cushman, Company A. When the enemy made their last charge in the evening we felt confident of holding our position, and after the right gave way I gave the command to fall back twice before the regiment started. As was generally the case the regiment was considerably scattered, and it was some time before the command was all got together, the officers who rallied squads having considerable difficulty in finding the remaining portions. There are but few absent from the regiment now unaccounted for. Those that are missing are, I have but little reason to doubt, prisoners in the hands of the enemy.

During the two days' fight the regiment showed decided courage and coolness. Notwithstanding the heavy losses of Saturday the men went forward on Sunday cheerfully and willingly. Many instances of bravery among the men came under my notice which I shall take occasion to reward. I cannot, in justice, close this report without bearing testimony to the gallantry of my officers. They all did their duty. Capt. Edmonds deserves special mention for his conduct in assisting in rallying the command on two different occasions. Lieut. James Mitchell showed great personal bravery when skirmishing, and when the regiment was engaged. Adjutant Sherlock proved himself an efficient officer, and to him, in the absence of the colonel and lieutenant-colonel, I am indebted for much valuable assistance.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

RUE P. HUTCHINS, Maj., Comdg. Ninety-fourth Ohio Vol. Infantry.

Lieut. GEORGE H. DEVOL, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

The 94th Ohio participated in the Battle of Lookout Mountain on November 24, 1863 and in the Battle of Missionary Ridge on November 25, 1863. These two Union victories ended the siege of Chattanooga and brought the Chattanooga Campaign to an end.

Following the Chattanooga Campaign, an officer in the 94th Ohio filed the following report:

HDQRS. NINETY-FOURTH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 1, 1863. CAPT.:

In compliance with orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Ninety-fourth Regt. Ohio Volunteers in the operations before Chattanooga:

About 3 a.m. on the 24th instant, the regiment moved from the rifle-pits in front of the camp and took position in front of Fort Negley as third battalion in line of the brigade. From this position we moved by the right flank toward the rolling-mill picket station.

At sundown moved across Chattanooga Creek, ascended Lookout Mountain, and at about 7 p.m. took position in the rifle-pits just below the white house, throwing out two companies (B and G) as a reserve for the pickets on our left front. In this position we passed the night, and about 9 a.m., 25th instant, moved by the right flank in rear of Second Ohio, down the mountain, and took position on the left of the Rossville road beyond the former stations of the rebel pickets, the Ninety-fourth being on the extreme right of the front line.

A company under command of Capt. Gibson, Company G, was thrown out as skirmishers, and at about 4 p.m. we were ordered to advance. Moving forward through a thick undergrowth to the edge of the plain, we were joined on the right by the Thirty-third Ohio, and marched in double-quick to the first line of the enemy's works. These being of little or no use as a protection from the shot of the enemy, the regiment was ordered up to the second line of works near the tents and houses of the rebels. Reaching this point, many fell completely exhausted with the long distance over which we had passed in double-quick. Resting here for a few moments, the regiment again advanced, under a heavy fire of grape, canister, and musketry, to the foot of the ridge.

From this place each man strove for himself to reach the top, the position being such as to render all efforts to move in line useless. All reached the summit, and were formed with the brigade, except the wounded, those detailed to take charge of them, and one solitary member of the regiment. With the brigade the regiment lay on the ridge until about 11 a.m., 26th, when we took up the line of march, moving down the valley east of the ridge toward the Ringgold road.

Just after dusk we turned off this road, taking a by-road on our left, and about 7 p.m. took position in line in an open field with a heavy wood on our front and a creek on our right, the Ninety-fourth forming the extreme right of the line of the brigade.

A little after 8 p.m. moved forward in line of battle to the Graysville road, and took position on the left of the Second Brigade. Soon after 10 p.m. moved with the brigade toward Graysville, and reached the banks of the Chickamauga opposite that place about 11.30 p.m. Here we rested half an hour, made some coffee, and were then ordered out on picket. Two companies (C and D), under Capt. Edmonds, Company C, were sent to the railroad bridge, about three-quarters of a mile up the river.

Four companies were thrown across the river to picket in Graysville, relieving Forty-second Indiana at both places. I also sent out a scouting party of 10 men, under Lieut. Mitchell, with instructions to examine the ridge beyond the river for artillery. They returned without discovering any, bringing with them 10 prisoners.

At daylight (27th) the pickets were called in, and at 7 a.m. took up the line of march, moving up the river to the railroad bridge and then to the right, striking the Ringgold road about 2 1/2 miles from Graysville. At about 9 a.m. formed line of battle in the woods on the left of the road about 1 1/2 miles from Ringgold. Moved in line to the Chattanooga road, then by the right flank across the bridge over the Chickamauga, reformed line of battle and moved up to within a short distance of the railroad.

From this position we were moved to the left of the brigade and formed line of battle, protecting the left flank. At 10 a.m. the regiment was ordered down the railroad and took position on the left of Forty-second Indiana and right of Davis' division, throwing out one company, under Lieut. Mitchell, as skirmishers. We remained here until about 11.30 a.m., Sunday, 29th, when we moved with the brigade for Chattanooga, coming in via Rossville. Arrived in camp about 6 p.m., the regiment much wearied with the long and fatiguing pursuit, but in excellent spirits and health.

My loss in killed and wounded was very light, 1 killed and 16 wounded; 10 severely, 6 slightly. Capt. McLaughlin, Company B, was struck on the shoulder on Wednesday while nobly performing his duty. For names see accompanying report.*

To mention the names of any of my officers would be an injustice to the others. All did their duty well and gallantly. The behavior of my men was all that I could ask. Every man, with the exception already mentioned, showed determined courage and steady perseverance, exhibiting the most daring attributes of American soldiers.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

RUE P. HUTCHINS, Maj., Comdg. Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Capt. R. J. WAGGENER, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

At the beginning of May 1864, Union Major General William Sherman embarked upon his Atlanta Campaign. The 94th participated in the entire campaign and fought in the Battles of Buzzard’s Roost (May 9, 1864), Resaca (May 14, 1864), Kennesaw Mountain (June 27, 1864), Peachtree Creek (July 20, 1864), and Jonesborough (August 31-September 1, 1864). The Atlanta Campaign concluded on September 2, 1864, with the Union’s capture of this important city.

Following the Atlanta Campaign, an officer in the 94th Ohio filed the following report:

HDQRS. NINETY-FOURTH REGT. OHIO VOLS., Atlanta, Ga., September 11, 1864. In obedience to circular from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to report as follows:

This command moved with the army from Ringgold, Ga., May 7, 1864. Was engaged at Buzzard Roost as skirmishers May 11; 1 man killed and 1 mortally wounded. Moved to the right, through Snake Creek Gap, May 12. Was in the engagement at Resaca, May 14, Company E deployed as skirmishers, Lieut. James Mitchell in command. Lieut. Mitchell was wounded at 12 m. on skirmish line. At 2 p. m. an assault upon the enemy's works was ordered. The line moved forward, but were not successful in reaching the enemy's works. Were fortunate in finding cover in a small ravine, where the command did some close shooting, which forced the enemy to keep under cover of his works until dark, when we withdrew; lost 13 men killed and 33 wounded. At 8 a. m., May 15, were placed in second line. The enemy evacuated on the night of the 15th; moved in pursuit on the 16th. Found the enemy near Dallas, May 26. Were placed in front and skirmished with the enemy until June 2. On the night of June 5 the enemy withdrew to Lost Mountain. We were not in the front until June 17. Near Kenesaw Mountain, June 21, 1 man wounded on skirmish line; 9 p. m., were placed in second line of works. June 22, artillery firing heavy; 1 commissioned officer and 6 men wounded by shell from the enemy's guns.

July 1, 1 man killed by rebel sharpshooter. During the night of July 2 the enemy evacuated his position and retreated four miles below Marietta. The night of July 9 the enemy again withdrew across the Chattahoochee River. Camped on the opposite side of river from the enemy until July 17, when we moved across the river. During the engagement July 20 we were in support of the left wing of brigade; lost 1 man killed and 7 wounded by rebel shell. July 22, were engaged in front of Atlanta; 2 men wounded.

August 7, advanced the lines; 3 men wounded. August 13, 1 man killed. August 15, 1 man killed. August 20, 1 man wounded. August 24, 1 man killed. Moved the night of the 26th; no casualties in regiment since.

The officers and men of the command have done nobly. They have proved themselves brave and efficient in all skirmishes and engagements during the campaign.*

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

RUE P. HUTCHINS, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.

Capt. J. W. FORD, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

After two months of rest, the 94th Regiment next participated in Sherman’s “March to the Sea.” Departing Atlanta on November 15, 1864, Sherman’s command proceeded overland to Savannah, Georgia, capturing this important harbor on the Atlantic seaboard by December 21, 1864.

In early 1865, the 94th Regiment, still under Sherman’s ultimate command, embarked upon the Carolinas Campaign. The Ohioans marched through South Carolina first, participating in a number of small conflicts, including at White Pond on February 12, at Lexington on February 15, and at Blacks Stock on February 23.

During the Carolinas Campaign, an officer of the 94th Regiment filed the following report:

HDQRS. NINETY-FOURTH OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Goldsborough, N. C. March 26, 1865. SIR: In compliance with circular from division headquarters, I have the honor to make the following report:

This command moved from Savannah, Ga., January 20, 1865, en route for Sister's Ferry, Ga., where we arrived on the 26th day of January, 1865, where we laid until February 4; we then moved across the Savannah River. On the 6th of February we moved en route for White Pond Station, S. C., at which place we arrived February 12, where we destroyed about 300 yards of railroad and lost one man, taken prisoner, Private John S. Ritchie, Company G. February 16, near Lexington, S. C., we had one man, James D. Treadway, taken prisoner. We then moved to Black Stocks, S. C., arriving at this point February 23, where we destroyed near 250 yards of railroad; two foragers captured, Privates George W. Bumgardner and Joseph Waltman, Company G. We then moved to Catawba River, where we could not effect a crossing until March 1. This regiment was placed on picket duty at 12 m. about 2 p. m. skirmished with rebel cavalry; no casualties occurred. March 6 we arrived at the Great Pedee River, where we were delayed until the morning of the 7th. We then moved on Fayetteville, arriving at that point on the 10th of March; laid at this point until the 14th, when we moved in direction of Goldsborough, N. C. March 16 we were confronting the enemy at Black Water, N. C. the enemy evacuated his intrenchments during the night; no casualties occurred in this command. On the 19th of March this regiment was the advance; met the enemy about 11 a. m. Companies A and B were deployed as skirmishers, covering the front; Companies F and D covering the right flank; skirmishers pushed forward under a severe fire from the enemy until within twenty paces of the rebel line of works, when they halted; we were relieved in a few minutes from this time by the Twenty-first Wisconsin, and were ordered to the left, where our position was assigned us and we built fortifications. When our works were completed we were ordered to reconnoiter our front, which was done, but finding the enemy in an intrenched position we returned to our works. In the evening the enemy moved to our right flank and charged the works on the flank, which caused the command to retire in disorder; the officers and men did nobly by saving themselves.*

The morning of the 20th the regiment built works, where was remained until the morning of the 22d; the enemy having left his position in our front, we moved en route for Goldsborough. On the morning of the 23d a forage party was sent out for subsistence for the command. Privates Azariah Bruss, Wilson W. Swathwood, and Isaac A. Jay being absent since that time, I suppose them captured by the enemy.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. H. SNIDER, Maj., Cmdg.

Capt. J. W. FORD, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

The 94th’s last major engagement of the American Civil War was the Battle of Bentonville in North Carolina. The battle occurred from March 19-21 and was a complete Union victory. Just one month later, the Confederacy at its military forces surrendered, ending the Civil War.

From May 23-24, 1865, the 94th Regiment marched in the Grand Review at Washington, DC. While still at Washington, two weeks later, on June 6, 1865, officials mustered Ohio’s 94th Regiment out of military service, allowing the organization’s members to return home.

During the 94th Ohio Voluntary Infantry Regiment's service, fifty-four men died from wounds, including two officers. An additional 145 men died from disease or other causes, including one officer.

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