Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » General Orders, No. 112 (U.S. War Department)

General Orders, No. 112 (U.S. War Department)

August 19, 1862

Issued by the U.S. War Department on August 19, 1862, War Orders Number 112, re-created the Department of the Ohio, with Major-General Horatio G. Wright in command.


War Dep't, Adjutant General's Office

Washington, August 19, 1862

  1. – The Department of the Ohio hereby created, will be composed of the States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kentucky east of the Tennessee river, and including Cumberland Gap, and the troops operating in the vicinity.
  2. – Major General H.G. Wright is assigned to the command of the Department of the Ohio.

By Order of the Secretary of War:

E.D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General

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