Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » General Orders, No. 151 (Department No. 2, CSA)

General Orders, No. 151 (Department No. 2, CSA)

November 20, 1862

On November 20, 1862, Confederate General Braxton Bragg issued General Orders, No. 151, re-designating the Army of the Mississippi as the Army of Tennessee.


Tullahoma, November 20, 1862.

I. Brig. Gen. J. K. Duncan, provisional army, is assigned as chief of staff to the commanding general. His duties will be general, extending to all the different department of the service, and his orders and instructions, both written and oral, will be regarded as official and by authority.

II. Lieut. Col. George G. Garner will resume his duties as chief in the department of orders for Department No. 2.

III. Lieut. Col. George William Brent is assigned as chief in the department of orders for the forces operating in the field.

IV. The three army corps, as at present organized for active operations, will be designated by the names of their respective permanent commanders, viz, Smith's, Polk's, and Hardee‘ the whole to constitute the Army of Tennessee.

V. Polk's corps will take position near Murfreesborough; Smith's in front of Manchester; Hardee's near Shelbyville. The cavalry brigades for these three corps (except one regiment for each) will take position in front of our lines, under the direction of the chief of cavalry.

VI. Brigadier-General Morgan's and Forrest's brigades of cavalry will, as soon as practicable after being relieved by Wharton's command, proceed to the special service assigned them by the commanding general. Much is expected by the army and its commander from the operations of these active and ever-successful leaders.

VII. The foregoing dispositions are in anticipation of the great struggle which must soon settle the question of supremacy in Middle Tennessee. The enemy in heavy force is before us, with a determination, no doubt, to redeem the fruitful country we have wrested from him. With the remembrance of Richmond, Munfordville, and Perryville so fresh in our minds, let us make a name for the now Army of Tennessee as enviable as those enjoyed by the armies of Kentucky and the Mississippi.


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