Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » General Orders, No. 168 (U.S. War Department)

General Orders, No. 168 (U.S. War Department)

October 24, 1862

Issued by the U.S. War Department on October 24, 1862, General Orders Number 168, reestablished the Department of the Cumberland and created the 14th Army Corps, which was also know as the Army of the Ohio.


War Dep't Adjutant General's Office,

Washington, October 24, 1862.

  1. – By direction of the President, the State of Tennessee, east of the Tennessee river, and such parts of northern Alabama and Georgia as may be taken possession of by United States troops, will constitute the Department of the Cumberland.
  2. – Major General W.S. Rosecrans is assigned to the command of the Department of the Cumberland.
  3. – The troops under the command of Major General Grant will constitute the Thirteenth Army Corps; and those assigned to the command of Major General Rosecrans will constitute the Fourteenth Army Corps.

By Order of the Secretary of War:

L. Thomas, Adjutant General