Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » General Orders, No. 17 (Dept. of Ms. & E. La.) (CSA)

General Orders, No. 17 (Dept. of Ms. & E. La.) (CSA)

December 7, 1862

On December 7, 1862, Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton issued General Orders, No. 17, (Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana) naming the forces under his command the Army of the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana.


Grenada, December 7, 1862.

I. By direction of the Secretary of War, hereafter this army will be denominated Army of the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, to consist of two corps, designated First and Second Corps, and will be commanded respectively by Major General Earl Van Dorn and Major General S. Price.

The above designations will be used in all official communications emanating from the headquarters of said corps. In the absence of the lieutenant-general commanding the senior officer present will exercise the immediate command of the army.

II. Each corps will consist of two divisions, to be denominated the First and Second Division; and each division to consist of two brigades, First and Second Brigades of such division of such corps.

III. Commanders of corps will organize the divisions at once in accordance with the above, observing so to arrange the brigades that there shall be at least one brigadier-general by commission to each division.

IV. All officers who may be relived from command of brigades by this order and all acting staff officers attached to their headquarters will immediately rejoin their respective regiments and companies.

V. Major-General Van Dorn resuming command of the First Corps of this army, Major General Mansfield Lovell is relived thereby, and not having been assigned to duty by the War Department will await further orders.

* * * * * *

By order of Lieutenant-General Pemberton:

Assistant Adjutant-General.

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