Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » G » General Orders, No. 22 (Headquarters of the Army of the Mississippi CSA)

General Orders, No. 22 (Headquarters of the Army of the Mississippi CSA)

July 5, 1862

On July 5, 1862, Confederate General Braxton Bragg issued General Orders, No. 22, relinquishing command of the Army of the Mississippi to Major General William J. Hardee.

General Orders, No. 22

Headquarters of the Army of the Mississippi
Tupelo, Miss. July
5, 1862

In compliance with General Orders, No. 89, Paragraph III, dated Headquarters Department No. 2, Tupelo, Miss., July 2, 1862, General Bragg relinquishes the command of the Army of the Mississippi to Major-General Hardee.

By command of General Bragg

Assistant Adjutant-General.


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