Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » G » General Orders, No. 3 (CSA)

General Orders, No. 3 (CSA)

February 6, 1865

On February 6, 1865, Samuel Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General (CSA) issued General Orders, No. 3 announcing that Robert E. Lee was appointed General-in-Chief of the Confederate Armies.


Richmond, February 6, 1865.

I. The Following Act of Congress is published for the information of the army:

An Act to provide for the appointment of a General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States.

SECTION 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That there shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an officer, who shall be known and designated as ‘General in Chief,’ who shall be ranking officer of the army, and as such, shall have command of the military forces of the Confederate States.

SEC. 2. That the act providing a staff for the General who may be assigned to duty at the Seat of Government, is hereby repealed, and that the General in Chief, who may be appointed under the provisions of this act, shall have a staff not less than that now allowed a General in the field, to be assigned by the President, or to be appointed by him, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.” [Approved 23d January 1865.]

II. General ROBERT E. LEE having been duly appointed General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States, will assume the duties thereof, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

III. General Orders, No. 23, of 1864, is hereby revoked.

By order.

S. Cooper
Adjutant and Inspector General


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