Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » G » General Orders, No. 80 (U.S. War Department) (1861)

General Orders, No. 80 (U.S. War Department) (1861)

September 19, 1861

Issued by the U.S. War Department on September 19, 1861, General Orders Number 80, placed Brigadier-General Ormsby M. Mitchel in command of the Department of the Ohio.


War Dep't, Adjutant General's Office,

Washington, September 19, 1861

  1. The military Department of Ohio will, in future, consist of the State of that name, Indiana, and so much of Kentucky as lies within fifteen miles of Cincinnati, under the command of brigadier General Mitchell, of the United States Volunteers; headquarters Cincinnati.

    So much of Virginia as lies west of the Blue Ridge mountains will constitute, in future, a separate command , to be called the Department of Western Virginia, under the command of Brigadier General Rosecrans; headquarters in the field. The latter will continue to draw reinforcements by requisitions upon the Governor of Ohio, as heretofore, or by order addressed direct to the U.S. Commander of that State, as often as may be necessary.

  2. The attention of officers of the regular army is again directed to section 11 of the act of Congress approved August 3d, 1861, and promulgated in General Orders No. 54, current series, from this office, which prescribes that in all cases of enlistment and re-enlistment in the military service, the prescribed oath may be administered by any commissioned officer of the army. Fees to civil officers, for said service, will therefore not be admitted.

By Order:

L. THOMAS, Adjutant General

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