Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » H » Hardee’s Farewell Address to Hardee’s Corps (AoT)

Hardee’s Farewell Address to Hardee’s Corps (AoT)

September 28, 1864

On September 28, 1864, William J. Hardee bid farewell to the soldiers of Hardee's Corps, Army of Tennessee.

In the Field, September 28, 1864.

The undersigned having been ordered to another department is called upon to take leave of the officers and soldiers of this command. The ties that length of years and common fortunes have drawn closer and made stronger are not to be sundered without deep feelings, and he parts with the comrades of so many campaigns with a heartfelt regret. His will not be the pleasure to share with them the perils and glories of the coming campaign, but he feels assured that the veterans of this corps will be to his successor the brave, true soldiers that they have always been to him, and that their arms, which have never known disaster, will win for them the success in the future that they have never failed to do in the past. Though no longer identified with them, no one will watch their fortunes with a deeper interest nor hail their success with a prouder pleasure than himself. He bids them an affectionate farewell.

Lieutenant- General.

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