Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Message Assigning Joseph E. Johnston to Command of Harpers Ferry

Message Assigning Joseph E. Johnston to Command of Harpers Ferry

May 15, 1861

On May 15, 1861, the Confederate War Department informed newly-appointed Brigadier General Joseph E. Johnston that he was assigned to command the troops near Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

Adjutant and Inspector General's Office
Montgomery, May
15, 1861

Brig. Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, C.S.A., Montgomery, Ala.:

Sir: Having been appointed a brigadier-general in the Army of the Confederate States, you have been assigned by the War Department to the command of the troops near Harper's Ferry. In proceeding to that point the Secretary of War directs that you take Lynchburg in your route, and make arrangements there for sending forward to Harper's Ferry such force as you deem necessary to strengthen your command.

Very Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Adjutant and Inspector General.


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