Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Message from Jefferson Davis Appointing Braxton Bragg to Command the Western Department

Message from Jefferson Davis Appointing Braxton Bragg to Command the Western Department

June 20, 1862

On June 20, 1862, Confederate President Jefferson Davis informed Braxton Bragg that he (Bragg) was replacing P.G.T. Beauregard as permanent commander of the Western Department.

Richmond, Va., June 20, 1862.

General Braxton Bragg, Tupelo, Miss.:

Your dispatch informing me that General Beauregard had turned over command to you and left for Mobile on surgeon's certificate was duly received. You are assigned permanently to the command of the department, as will be more formally notified to you by the Secretary of War. You will correspond directly and receive orders and instructions from the Government in relation to your future operations.



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