Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Message from Jefferson Davis Relieving Braxton Bragg from Command of the Army of Tennessee

Message from Jefferson Davis Relieving Braxton Bragg from Command of the Army of Tennessee

November 30, 1863

On November 30, 1863, General Samuel Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General of the Confederate Army informed General Braxton Bragg that President Jefferson Davis had relieved him from command of the Army of Tennessee.

RICHMOND, November 30, 1863.


Dalton, Ga.:

GENERAL: Your dispatches of yesterday received. Your request to be relieved has been submitted to the President, who, upon your representation, directs me to notify you that you are relieved from command, which you will transfer to Lieutenant-General Hardee, the officer next in rank and now present for duty.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Adjutant and Inspector General


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