Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Message from Jefferson Davis Relieving Leonidas Polk from Duty with the Army of Tennessee

Message from Jefferson Davis Relieving Leonidas Polk from Duty with the Army of Tennessee

October 23, 1863

On October 23, 1863, Confederate President Jefferson Davis informed General Leonidas Polk that he was relieved of duty from the Army of Tennessee.

October 23, 1863.

General L. POLK,
Atlanta, Ga.:

You are relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee and will relieve Lieutenant-General Hardee of the command of the troops he has been organizing in the Department of Mississippi. I leave to-night for Mobile. Will remain to-morrow and next day at that place, and then proceed by railroad to Montgomery. Would be glad to meet you at either place, as may be convenient to you.


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