Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » President Lincoln’s Executive Order Acknowledging the Service of the Ohio National Guard Who Recently Served In the Military Force of the United States as Volunteers for One Hundred Days

President Lincoln’s Executive Order Acknowledging the Service of the Ohio National Guard Who Recently Served In the Military Force of the United States as Volunteers for One Hundred Days

September 10, 1864

On September 10, 1864, President Lincoln issued an executive order acknowledging the patriotic and valuable service of Ohio National Guardsmen.

The term of one hundred days for which the National Guard of Ohio volunteered having expired, the President directs an official acknowledgment to be made of their patriotic and valuable services during the recent campaigns. The term of service of their enlistment was short, but distinguished by memorable events. In the Valley of the Shenandoah, on the Peninsula, in the operations on the James River, around Petersburg and Richmond, in the battle of Monocacy, and in the intrenchments of Washington, and in other important service, the National Guard of Ohio performed with alacrity the duty of patriotic volunteers, for which they are entitled to and are hereby tendered, through the governor of their State, the national thanks.

The Secretary of War is directed to transmit a copy of this order to the governor of Ohio and to cause a certificate of their honorable service to be delivered to the officers and soldiers of the Ohio National Guard who recently served in the military force of the United States as volunteers for one hundred days.


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