Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Special Field Orders, No. 44 (Division of the Mississippi)

Special Field Orders, No. 44 (Division of the Mississippi)

July 26, 1864

On July 26, 1864, William T. Sherman issued Special Field Orders No. 44, assigning Oliver O. Howard to command of the Army of the Tennessee.


In The Field Near Atlanta, Ga., July 26th, 1864

Special Field Orders No. 44

  1. By direction of the President of the United States, Major General O. O. Howard, United States Volunteers is assigned to command the Department and Army of the Tennessee. He will at once assume command of the Army of Tennessee in the field.
  2. Major General Geo. H. Thomas, commanding the Department and Army of the Cumberland, will relieve General Howard of the command of the Fourth Army Corps, that he may enter upon his new command, and will assign a General to command the Fourth Corps until orders of the President are received.

By Order of Major General W. T. Sherman

L. M. Dayton

Aid de-Camp.

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