Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Special Orders, No. 95 (Virginia Forces)

Special Orders, No. 95 (Virginia Forces)

May 21, 1861

On May 21, 1861, Robert E. Lee, commander of Virginia's forces, issued Special Orders, No. 95, assigning Brigadier General Milledge Luke Bonham to command the state's troops on the Alexandria Line.

Special Orders, No. 95

Headquarters Virginia Forces,
Richmond, Va., May
21, 1861.

I. Brig. Gen. M.L. Bonham, of the C.S. Army, is assigned to the command of the troops on the line to Alexandria. He will post his brigade of South Carolina volunteers at Manassas Junction, and establish his headquarters at that point or in advance, as he may find necessary. He will be guided by the instructions given to Col. George H. Terrett, commanding at Alexandria, and Col. P. St. George Cocke, at Culpepper Court-House, whose commands are embraced within his district, and are put under his control.

By order of Major-General Lee:



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