Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Transcription of Letter from Ephraim S. Weaver to Samuel and Mary Weaver

Transcription of Letter from Ephraim S. Weaver to Samuel and Mary Weaver

October 4, 1863

On October 4, 1863, Private Ephraim S. Weaver, a member of Co. K, 68th Regiment, OVI, wrote to his parents, Samuel and Mary Weaver, from Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Vicksburg Waren County Mississippi

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Oct 4th 1863

Father and Mother;;;;;; Again I am permited to answer yours of the 20th Sept; Which came to hand the 2nd Oct and sure was glad to hear from you

I am well again and do hope this will find you the same. Further the weather is cool here now Especialy the nights it has bin dry weather here all summer; it rained a little the other day but is clear again. The troops has all gone down the river and up so there is only logans divisions left here; I think we will tay here all winter and it may be we will stay here till our time is out; I wish we would

We are still doing gard duty in Vicksburg the mail has just come and I cant write any more till I see if there is one for me; Well not much; disappointed no letter for me this time; I come on gard tomorrow again so I thought I would write a letter today as it is Sunday but if you was here you would think it wasent much Sunday; we have the same work to do on Sunday as any other day; Now I havnt give up the notion a coming home after furlow yet but I ges I will put it of a while yet; they are furlowing very slow the talk is that they will send all home at two relieves if they do I think I will be there for chrismas; that is as soon as I want to come

We was fooled some with our two month pay we havnt got it yet. But I think we will get four months pay the next month. I still keep up the barber shop, shaving and cutting hair. I make enuf for spending money; Ii got a new suit of cloaths on today; I got a new coat to wear when I come home; beauty of a coat; we will settle up our clothing bill next pay day; we are allowed fourty two dollars a year for cloathing; I think my cloathing will overrun some but not much; the rest of the boys is well in the company; Stinson is on gard toay; he stands it bully; we get our watter hauled from the river so we got things tolerable handy here

We don’t hear any grumbling here about valending hamm;; It is all for Brough and heh will be governer of Ohio too; let me no how you get along and how times is; I dident get any papers yet; I think some of our mail got burnt Up on one of th boats that got burnt up; mother, you want to no what likeneys?; Is cost down here they are a bout the same they are up there; So no more; Only don’t work so hard take the times as easy as you can; with these few line I will close; I fell stanter and healthier for the last month than I have sins I bin in the service and hope I may stay so; I wish you all to keep well; write as soon as you get this address as before

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ephraim S Weaver


; By;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Samuel and Mary Weaver"

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