Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » 0-9 » 67th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

67th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry


In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units.

In the American Civil War, Ohio provided the federal government with 260 regiments of men, including infantry, artillery, and cavalry units. Ohioans also served in several other regiments from other states, most notably from Kentucky, West Virginia, and Massachusetts, as well as in federal units. Almost 330,000 Ohio men, including 5,092 African Americans, served in the Union military during the conflict.

Infantry regiments formed in Ohio became known as regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. They served for varying lengths of time, averaging one hundred days to three years. On December 18, 1861, the 67th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry organized at Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio. The men in the regiment were to serve three years.

On January 19, 1862, the 67th departed Camp Chase for western Virginia (modern-day West Virginia), where the regiment remained at Paw Paw Tunnel for the rest of January and February, before advancing to Winchester, Virginia on March 5, 1862. Over the next few weeks, the regiment engaged in several skirmishes primarily against Turner Ashby's Confederate cavalry. On March 22, the 62nd engaged enemy forces at Winchester, helping the Union military to drive the Confederates to Kearnstown, Virginia. The next morning, the Northerners resumed the attack. The 62nd had fifteen men killed and an additional thirty-two soldiers wounded. Over the next two months, the regiment was constantly on the move, marching up and down the Shenandoah Valley, as well as making several marches to Alexandria, Manassas Junction, and Fredericksburg in the more easterly part of Virginia.

On June 29, 1862, the 67th boarded the steamer Herald and the barge Delaware and traveled to the James River Peninsula in Virginia to reinforce General George McClellan's Army of the Potomac. Upon arriving, the regiment moved to Harrison's Landing. Following the Seven Days' Battles and the end of the Peninsula Campaign in August 1862, the regiment moved to Suffolk, Virginia. In November, the 67th moved to North Carolina and then, on February 1, 1863, to Hilton Head, South Carolina. In South Carolina, the regiment participated in the Union's assault on Charleston, advancing to Cole Island on April 2. On July 18, 1863, the 67th engaged in the unsuccessful Union assault on Fort Wagner, with the regiment losing heavily. Following the Charleston campaign, which ended on October 31, 1863, the regiment then participated in an expedition to Florida.

In February 1864, the 67th's members reenlisted and received a thirty-day furlough. Upon the furlough's completion, the regiment returned to the front at Bermuda Hundred, Virginia on May 6, 1864. On May 9, the regiment advanced with an artillery force to the vicinity of Chester's Station. The 67th was to guard the left flank of the Union's 10th Corps, which was assigned to destroy some railroad track from Chester's Station to Petersburg, Virginia. On the evening of May 9, additional Union reinforcements arrived, and on May 10, Confederate soldiers attacked. The Union soldiers repulsed four Confederate charges and recaptured some artillery pieces that the Southerners seized early in the battle. The 67th had seventy-six men killed or wounded in the Battle of Catlett's Station.

The 67th Regiment remained in the front lines of Petersburg during the rest of 1864 and the first months of 1865. Once Union forces captured this city, the regiment joined in the pursuit of the withdrawing Confederate Army of Northern Virginia until its surrender at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865. Officers of the 67th issued the following reports regarding the regiment's actions before Petersburg and Appomattox Court House:


SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by my regiment in the late movements and operations on the James between the 14th and 20th instant, inclusive, as follows:

Four companies, to wit, B, D, H, and I, commanded, respectively, by Capt. H. J. Crane, Capt. William Nixon, Lieut. John J. Parsons, and Capt. Charles P. Schaefer, were all of my command that took part in the demonstration on the north side of the James. I took command of these four companies in person, and on the morning of the 14th led the battalion in the assault on the first line of rifle-pits. My men charged gallantly upon the rifle-pits, taking several prisoners. On the evening and night of the same day accompanied the brigade to the left bank of the Four-Mile Run, and on the 15th marched toward the right of our lines, the excessive heat of the day prostrating with coup de soleil some thirty of my men and two officers. On the 16th instant my battalion occupied the left of the brigade in the movement in line of battle toward the enemy's position. On approaching their line of pits my command was deployed as skirmishers to open the way for the attacking columns, and led the brigade in the assault on their works. As the skirmish line emerged from the thick woods into the abatis of the enemy in front of their works my skirmishers delivered a deadly fire at the heads of the rebels as they stood behind their earth-works, at the same time receiving a heavy volley from them, and then dashed through the abatis and over the rifle-pits. The fire of my skirmishers caused the death of the rebel general Girardey. We also took one stand of colors and a number of prisoners. During the succeeding days of our operations my men did their duty heroically and well. The battle casualties amounted to 41, nominal report of which has been forwarded.

I have to regret the death of Actg. Lieut. J. J. Parsons, one who gave promise of becoming a fine officer. He was commanding Company H at the time he was killed. Officers and men did everything that could be expected of veterans. I take pleasure in calling attention to the conduct of Capt. Henry J. Crane, who throughout, by his patient constancy, set an example of the true officer to the men of the command, he being in command of the battalion while I was in command of the brigade. I assumed command of the brigade by order of Gen. Terry at 4 p.m. Of the 16th, and remained in command thereof till the morning of the 18th, when I was relieved by Col. Howell, its ranking officer. I have not thought it necessary to make special report of the operations of the brigade during this term, as no action took place other than affairs on the picket-line. I might say that this time was full of anxiety to the men, as we were in close proximity to the enemy and at any moment liable to attack.

I must, before closing this report, say that the conduct of the officers and men of my battalion, while at the front of the attacking column on the 16th, was of that dashing, heroic kind that could not but inspire the columns following with that heroic vigor that always wins. Permit me to say that I am proud, proud, proud of the conduct of these four companies of the Sixty-seventh.


Col., Comdg. Sixty-seventh Regiment Ohio Vol. Infantry.

Capt. R. O. PHILLIPS, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen..


SIR: I have the honor respectfully to make the following report of the Sixty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the recent operations before Richmond, Va., on the 27th and 28th of October, 1864:

October 27, at 4 a.m., the regiment was in line and took up the line of march shortly after. Crossing the Darbytown road at Doctor Richards', farm and moved on a by-road toward the Charles City road, when orders were received to about face and march back to a deserted house and form line of battle. A short halt was made at this house when orders were again received to push forward through a dense woods toward the enemy's works. By this time I received orders to detach four companies (C, F, E, and D) of my regiment and deploy them as skirmishers in front of the brigade. These companies were deployed by the right flank, with orders to connect with skirmishers of the Sixty-second Ohio Volunteers, but on finding that their line already covered our front, I then withdrew them to their proper position in line when the column was again pushed forward to a slashing in front of the enemies works. Here a slight halt was made under cover of the woods, when I again received orders to send out skirmishers and push forward to the enemy's works and make a demonstration and ascertain the position and numbers of the enemy. My skirmishers pushed forward rapidly and took the enemy's first line of rifle-pits and captured five prisoners. At this time the enemy opened six pieces of artillery, which, however, did but little damage. Nothing but desultory firing between the enemy's sharpshooters and our skirmishers took place during the remainder of the day. About dark I was ordered to move my regiment back in the woods and remained there during the night. On the 28th, a. m., my regiment was again sent out on the skirmish line, [with] orders to relieve the Thirty-ninth Illinois and Sixty-second Ohio Volunteers, who were out as pickets or skirmishers, where we remained until ordered to fall back, arriving in camp at 4 p.m.

Casualties of first day were, killed, 1 and 13 wounded, second day (28th), 1 killed and 8 wounded, 2 missing.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,


Capt., Commanding Regiment.

Capt. NEVIN,

Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

HDQRS. SIXTY-SEVENTH OHIO VOLUNTEERS INFANTRY, In the Field, near Appomattox Court-House, Va., April 14, 1865.

SIR: I have the honor to report that the regiment as such was not engaged with the enemy till the morning of the 2d of April, having made its movements in connection with the brigade, and that at no time since the 2d instant to this date has it been detached from the brigade, except on the evening of the 6th instant, when it was ordered to re-enforce Col. Fairchild's brigade, which it did by supporting his skirmish line of the extreme right of our position in the fight of the 6th instant. In the assault on Fort Gregg the regiment assaulted the angle next the road, and passed round to the rear of the fort by its front on the road. Being too lightly supported, the men were compelled to take to the ditch, which to the rear was so deep with water that it was impossible to pass through it to the sally-port, which was attempted by my order, the water in that part of the ditch being so deep that the men could not wade through it.

My officers and men behaved with great gallantry, and were among the very first to reach the work. This I know, for I was personally present with them.

On the morning of the 9th instant seven companies were engaged, the other three being on detached duty. The casualties of the regiment in killed and wounded amount in the aggregate to seventy-three, detailed reports of which have already been transmitted.*

Perhaps I can say in no better terms of the conduct of the regiment than to say that it fully sustained its former reputation for the work for which it was organized.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Col., Cmdg.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

On May 5, 1865, the 67th reported for garrison duty within the District of South Anna, Virginia. The regiment remained here for the duration of its service. On September 1, 1865, officials consolidated the 67th with the 62nd Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The new organization retained the name of the 67th Regiment. On December 12, 1865, the regiment mustered out of service at City Point, Virginia.

During the 67th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry's term of service, 142 men, including eleven officers, died on the battlefield. An additional 151 men, including one officer, succumbed to disease or accidents.

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