Ohio Civil War » Civil War A-Z » G » General Orders, No. 46 (Department of the South)

General Orders, No. 46 (Department of the South)

July 16, 1863

On July 12, 1863, Major General David Hunter issued General Orders, No. 46 announcing that Brigadier General Q. A. Gillmore had temporarily replaced him as commander of the Department of the South.

General Orders, No. 46

Hilton Head, Port Royal, S. C., July 12, 1863.

Major General David Hunter, commanding Department of the South, hereby announces that he has been temporarily relieved from command of the department, and ordered to report to the Adjutant-General, U. S. Army, for special service, and that Brigadier General Q. A. Gillmore has been assigned by the President to the command of the Department of the South.

In turning over command to his successor, Major-General Hunter congratulates the troops of the department that in General Gillmore they will find an officer well known to them, and whose worth they have long since learned to estimate; and it is the earnest hope of General Hunter that the same skill, perseverance, and gallantry, which so largely contributed to the reduction of Fort Pulaski, more than a year ago, may be equally successful in whatever enterprises General Gillmore shall next be engaged in.

By command of Major General D. Hunter:

Lieutenant Colonel A. A. G. 10th Army Corps and Dept. of the South.

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