Ohio Civil War » Objects » Entries » Special Orders (Department of Virginia and North Carolina) (Unnumbered 6/14/1864)

Special Orders (Department of Virginia and North Carolina) (Unnumbered 6/14/1864)

June 14, 1864

On June 14, 1864, Major General Benjamin F. Butler relieved Major General Quincy A. Gillmore of command of the Tenth Army Corps operating within the Department of Virginia and North Carolina.


Hdqrs. Dept. of Va. and N. Carolina
In the Field, near Point of Rocks, Va., June 14, 1864

I. Maj. Gen. Q.A. Gillmore, having requested a court of inquiry upon his official action in the expedition to Petersburg because of the endorsement of disapproval upon his report of his conduct made by the commanding general thereon, his request is granted, and the court will be convened as soon as the interest of the public service will permit.

II. Maj. Gen. Q.A. Gillmore is relieved of his command and will proceed to Fortress Monroe forthwith, to await the action of the court of inquiry requested by him.

By Command of Major-General Butler:

Major and Assistant Adjutant-General

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